even wolves bleed like sheep

148 29 9

TW: blood, gun voilence, Ryan

It started snowing when we stepped outside. The first show this year. The snowflakes were so small they almost looked like mist. It won't be long until they'll cover the entire ground. I smiled at that. I prefered white instead of autumn grey.

The whole group of hunters stayed behind, while Mr grant, James and I went to the fountain. The fountain hasn't worked for a long time and if I give it a thought I have never seen it working.

It was a nice place otherwise. close to the forest, I took a mental note.

We didn't have to wait for Alex very long. Maybe twenty minutes later he was here. Looking like a mess. His hair flew in every direction. And his face looked...grey. He's still was as handsome as ever, but he looked ill. 

He was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. My hoodie. I always wear oversized clothes so the hoodie fit him perfectly. I am so fucking killing this motherfucker.

"Ryan, are you alright?"Alex spoke firmly but I could hear fear hidden in his voice.

"I'm fine," I pulled the gun out and pointed it at him, "But I wouldn't say the same about you."

"Ryan, what are you doing? I thought you needed my help."

"As I would even ask help from you, "I spat out.

"That's right," Mr grant spoke behind me," He lied to you. Did you actually believe he could love you?"

Alex didn't even glance at him. His eyes fixed on me the entire time.

"Why am I here, Ryan? You wanted for me to leave, right? So why? I thought you were in trouble but you seem to handle yourself quite well."

"He made a choice. He chose to join us on our mission to destroy your kind. He's on our side."

I scoffed at Mr grants words.

"I'm not on your side, neither I am on his side," I gestured at Alex." I'm on my own side. And I will make my own choices."

"Whatever you're thinking, drop it."James suddenly spoke.

I turned to him.

"Shut the fuck up. No one cares what you have to say. This is none of your business." 

James wanted to say something else but I didn't listen and turned back around at Alex.

"I want one honest answer from you."


"One. Can you do that? Or have you lost the ability to tell truth to me?"

"It depends on the question."

"Well, think about it really good. Your life depends on your answer."

Alex nodded.

"Why did you kill jane?"

"I have already told you."

"Bullshit. Truth, Alex, I want the truth."

Alex sighed showing his hands into his pockets.

"I...I tried to talk to her because...I wanted to tell the truth to you and I thought it would be easier if I talked to someone else first. I thought, that maybe if she didn't see me as a monster you wouldn't either. But she freaked out and... I didn't have another choice. After that, I just couldn't tell you the truth. So I chose to lie until you would find out for yourself."

"Why did you think that was a good idea?"

"I don't know, Ryan, I just wanted to be as close to you as possible."

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now