curiosity killed the cat

267 36 57

TW: blood, mild gore

The first rays of sunlight poured through the window. The light slowly woke me up. It irritated my still closed eyes. I buried my face into the pillow hiding from it. Taking new smell in. Well, not new necessarily. I come to know this smell as Alex's.

It took me a second to realise where I was. That the arms wrapped around my waist were non-other than Alex's. He hugged me tightly pressing me to his chest. I snuggled closer to him drinking the warmth from his body.

Alex was still asleep. I could feel his slow even breaths on my neck.

The memories of last night came back to me. I could feel a smile form on my face.

It felt so nice to feel wanted, to wake up with someone and know they chose to wake up with you too.

I slowly turned around so I could see Alex face. He looked so calm. All the worry drained from his face. He looked perfect. He always did, but now he looked so venerable.

I traced his nose bridge with my finger. I touched a small birthmark on the neck where his pulse was. I never could do this when he's awake. But now he's all mine.

I wanted to stay like this forever, I wanted to fall asleep again and sleep with him forever. But sadly life had different plans. I had to go to classes.

I let out a sigh.

I carefully slid out of the bed hoping I didn't wake Alex up. He, still asleep, tried to hug the empty space I felt behind. I pulled the blanket over him. He did not need to get up this early. So I quietly went to the bathroom.

I went about my usual routine.

Finally, I looked in the mirror. My neck was full of bruises.

"Jesus," I whispered. I started to rub the skin. I read somewhere that it helps.

"I'll give you my turtle neck," Alex said standing in between the door. I was startled by his sudden appearance. His hair was messy, sticking out in all directions.

"Like that would help," I said looking back at the trail of Hickeys on my jawline. It didn't look good. Last night it seemed like a good idea, but now I have to go into the public and I have enough people talking about me already.

Alex walked over to me, hugging me from behind. 

"I think they look great," Alex said planting a kiss on my neck. I laughed.

"Ew, get away from me, you weirdo," I said pushing his face away from me. He just laughed at me.

He turn me around so I would be facing him.

"You look great, one way or another," he said.

I sighed.

"Fine, give me that stupid shirt," I said.

Alex gave me wide smile and bent down to kiss me. I dodge it.

"How're your fingers?" I asked. Alex frowned at me.

"It's nothing serious, I'm just gonna put a bandaid on," he said.

"Let me see, "I asked reaching for his hand, but he tucked it behind his back.

"Seriously, it's fine."

I stared at him for a second. I didn't want to argue.

"Fine," I said walking toward the door while Alex grabbed his toothbrush and shoved it into his mouth.

"I'm making coffee, want some?" I asked walking out of the bathroom.

Alex murmured something brushing his teeth that I only could assume was an agreement.

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