wolves without teeth

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Today was nothing different from any other day. I woke up in Alex bed. Because recently I figured out I sleep better there. No other reason.

I skipped breakfast. Because I didn't have an appetite these days and because it was a huge middle finger for Alex. Like fuck you, I will not take care of myself and you can't do anything. I knew I was only hurting myself. And Alex obviously didn't care.

I picked out the only clean hoodie I had left. I should do laundry sometime soon. I'll do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. This week for sure. Probably.

I felt something in the pocket of the hoodie. A piece of paper. I looked at it. It was the drawing of the wolf. The same drawing I took away from jane that day at the library. Now I could see how inaccurate the wolf drawing was. Now that I have seen it in real life. Now that I have seen it from so close. Now that I spend a night locked with it. I knew how it moved, I knew its shape, I knew every move of this monster. It didn't scare me. Not anymore. It didn't look like a monster to me anymore. The only place, where it could ever hurt me, were my nightmares. Which didn't mean anything anymore.

The so call monster was gentle in real life. The drawing brought memories of that night. I tried not to think about it. It was scary. Probably the scariest night of my life. How are you supposed to feel when you wake up in a cage with a huge wolf? I sat there for a good hour waiting for it to wake up, thinking that it will attack me the second it opens its eyes. But that didn't happen. The wolf was happy to see me. I couldn't believe my eyes. The wolf loved being touched and it spent the whole night by my side.

A killing machine that somehow liked me enough to leave me alive. Well, at least that's what Alex told me. I don't know if I could believe him anymore. Maybe, it always was him. Maybe, he was the one who chose to kill people. The monster never existed.

I threw the drawing away. One more reminder of him that I didn't need.

I needed fresh air, I thought as I felt the dorm room.

It was cold outside. Every day it looked more and more like winter. There's still wasn't any show, though. It looked like the winter was kinda late this year.

I was on my way to the library when I noticed two men standing at the entrance. They were wearing black military-like outfits. They were tall and buff. And they had guns. Because of course, they did.

"Shit," I swore under my breath. This couldn't mean anything good.

 I turn around to get away before they noticed me.

"Hey!" I heard one of them shout behind me.

I didn't turn around. I just kept walking faster. I could hear their steps behind me. They were chasing me. I started running.

Suddenly another figure appeared in front of me. I was surrounded. But I wasn't going to give up so easily.

I sprinted toward the man. He seemed a bit confused by my sudden approach. When I was close I slid down the backpack from my shoulders and threw it as hard as possible. It hit him straight in the face. The man lost his balance and fell on his ass. I sprinted past him. I knew that the other two men were still chasing me and it wasn't long till the third got up.

I ran between the building hoping I could lose them between complicated architecture.

I was turning around a corner of the building when another man appeared right in front of me. I didn't have time to reach as I saw a fist closing up on my face. A hard hit in the nose.

I lost conscience at that moment.


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