pancakes on Saturday morning

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For a second a was beyond confused. It took me a while to realise where I was. I was still in my room, just on a different side than usual. In the wrong bed. Panic surged through me. I did not just sleep with a guy I met just yesterday.

But to my surprise, Alex himself was nowhere to be seen. I skittered out of the bed not wanting to invade his privacy more than I already have. I just stood in the middle of the room trying to understand this situation.

Am I just overreacting? Maybe he doesn't even care. guys sleep in each other's beds all the time, right? 


Or maybe I am acting like a complete freak and he left just not to be in the same room as me.

Maybe he went straight to the administration to ask to move dorms because his roommate is acting like a pervert.

I heard the door opening and turned around to see who it was.

"Morning," said Alex as he walked in, completely casually, might I add. And somehow my anxiety vanished. There's no way this chill ass guy could be angry at me.

"Morning," I said back.

The first thing I noticed was that his clothes were wet and completely inappropriate for cold autumn weather. He was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts.

"The weather sucks these days," He said while taking off his shirt." I didn't even get to go for a run very far before I had to turn around and come back."

I couldn't help but stare at him while he was looking for dry clothes in the closet. I don't know why, but I just assumed he was a slender, tall guy with no muscle under those clothes but I was wrong. Not only did he have muscle but he was in great shape, better than most guys I know. It was obvious that he exercises regularly.

" You Run?" I asked trying not to make it obvious that I was staring.

"Yeah, sometimes. If I have something only mind." He said holding a hoodie.

"Do you have something on your mind today?" I asked before thinking and quickly realised it was way too personal to ask. 

"Nothing your pretty little head should worry about," Alex smirked while pulling the hoodie on.

It took me a couple of seconds to realise what just happened.


Did he just call me pretty?

I stood there dumbfounded. I had no idea how to respond to that.

"God, it's almost 10 am," Alex said looking at his wristwatch." I should make breakfast."

"It's 10 am? "I said, wondering why I was awake this early. "And you're running? Willingly. At 10 am. On Saturday."


"Oh no."

"Is something wrong?" He asked confused.

"Yes. You're a morning person"

"Well, I wouldn't put it that way... I did sleep today longer than usual"

"Oh my god, you are. Dude, I don't think this is going to work. I can't live with a morning person. It's not good for my mental health."

"I would argue that it's the other way around."

"I lost all respect for you, please let me get some sleep, I can't deal with this, this early," I said flopping onto my bed on my stomach and dragging a pillow over my head.

"Ok, I try to be quiet," He said and disappeared into the kitchen.

Alex kept his word and I got at least an extra hour of sleep. Which I appreciated. But at some point, he did wake me up. Well, not exactly he, but the smell. The smell that I knew too well.

At that time Alex came back to the room.

"Hey, are you awake?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah," I murmured into the pillow.

"Good. I made pancakes, want some?"

I'm not gonna say that those words made me fall in love with this man, but it was close.

"Of course," I said.

The pancakes not only smelled good but also looked amazing. Full plate sitting on the kitchen table. The morning sun peaking through rain clouds promising that maybe the day will be nice after all. And Alex just sitting at the table. The whole scene made my stomach twist. It brought back a memory I was long forgotten. The memory of home, home before the accident, when everything was fine.

I shook my head wanting to push that thought away, I didn't want to make that memory bitter.

I rather decided to join Alex.

"I don't remember when was the last time I had homemade pancakes," I said sitting down.

"Well, get used to it,  "Alex smiled." I'm kinda great at cooking."

"And at being cocky, I see. Don't worry, you'll have some competition. You're not the only one who can cook in this household."

"oh really? can't wait to see." he smiled while taking a huge bite of a pancake.

I smiled back at him. And as much as I hate to admit, those pancakes were the best pancakes I ever had.

We ate in silence for some time, sitting around a small table next to the window. The sun hid behind the clouds and rain started again. It was quiet. The only sound was raid drops hitting the window. It was nice. Weirdly domestic, but still nice. I hadn't had something like this for a long time. Probably never if being honest. But it seemed like to Alex it was the most normal thing. It didn't take me long to figure out how different our lives were. Not saying that it's a bad thing, but I'll need some time to get used to this. Get used to being around someone and not being a total mess.


The weekend ended in a flash, but that wasn't anything new. And I, as always didn't do anything useful. It was just two boring days stuck in the dorm because the weather wasn't anything better.

But Monday morning seemed a little better. It was still cloudy and cold, but no rain. I had to get up early because I had morning classes. But still, when I woke up Alex was gone. It didn't surprise me. That psychopath probably was out for a run or something.

 I was sitting in the cafeteria eating cold pizza while looking at some notes I took in the class. I wished this nightmare would end sooner and I could go home and take a nap. 

Today was one of those days when I was not in the mood for anything and definitely not in the mood for THIS.

"Dude, are you banging Jane?"Travon said, sitting down next to me with the biggest grin ever.

"What!?"I almost choked on my food.

This was not how I imagined my week would start.

A/n: I don't know why but I had such a hard time finishing this chapter. it just didn't work, I have probably rewritten it like 5 times and am still not happy with it, but I thought it's better than nothing so I just published it. anyway, I'm way more excited for the next chapters because the story is just taking off and now it's pretty boring, but I promise from now on it will be way more fun!

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