the whole truth, and nothing but the truth

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"We need to talk." I slammed the gun on the table.

Alex stared at it. Eyes wide. And probably for the first time ever, I saw fear in his face.

But that fear disappeared as fast as it appeared. I saw just glims of it. The fear in his face was replaced with what I could only describe as anger. His features were sharp, no softness in his face.

Alex stepped closer to me.

"Ryan..." His voice was low. Lower than have ever heard. Almost not human.

A shiver ran down my spine.

His tone sparked fear in me. An instinct. Something I never knew I had. Something inside me screamed for me to run, but I couldn't move. I didn't want to move. I felt my heart racing in my chest. Suddenly Alex facial expressions changed again. His gaze soft again. The Alex I knew was back. 

"Don't," he whispered reaching for my face. His tone gentle as if he realised he scared me. He moved slowly like I was a fighter animal.

And in some ways it was true. I was a helpless animal stuck in one room with a preditor.

I dodged away from his hand. Which immediately made Alex back away. The hand returned to his side.

He was quiet while he waited for me to speak.

I needed a second to find the words.

I took a deep breath.

"Let go on a walk," I said and my voice came out stronger than expected.

Alex just nodded.

I walked toward the door and opened them, waiting for Alex to follow. I looked back at him but Alex didn't move an inch.

He stared at the gun.

"You're not gonna take that?" He gestured at it with his head. It was more of an observation than a question.

"Will I need it?"

Alex stared at me for a second then shook his head.

"Then no." I said." shall we?" I gestured to the corridor through the open door, still holding the doorknob.

Finally, Alex followed me. He followed me downstairs, through the parking lot.

Alex didn't say a word the whole time. He walked a couple of steps behind me like a sad puppy and the only way I knew he was still behind me was the sound of his footsteps.

"Where are we going?"Alex asked when we started walking on the path leading to the forest.

I didn't answer. Because I didn't want to answer and because I didn't know the answer.

We walk through the forest. The road was small. Not made for cars. Only students came here, considering this path lead straight to the abandoned house.

I saw it from the far. That same old house that I so much wish to delete from my memory.

We walk around it. Because I already knew where I was going. To the same place that was surrounded by police tape.

There wasn't any blood there this time. But the moss still had this dark brown colour to it, that I knew wasn't natural.

There was a tree right next to the spot where Jane died. It was slightly bigger than all the other trees around.

There were candles around it. Photos and letters. A little memorial for jane.

I knew people weren't allowed to come here, but it seemed like a lot of students didn't care. They left all these things for jane.

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now