Home sweet home

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"Where have you been?"Alex asked the second I opened the door.

"On a walk, I already told you."

"It's dark outside. Someone got killed days ago and you think it's a good idea just to walk around alone."

"I'm not a child, I can take care of myself," I said taking my jacket off.

"You have proven quite the opposite these past days," Alex said quite angrily.

"Are you seriously mad at me right now?"

"Yes, I am. Because you're acting stupid."

"Oh please don't start this, I don't want to argue with you, "I said bending down to take my shoes off.

"Well, I do. I won't let you be so reckless."

"Reckless?" I stood up." Reckless? I was on god damn walk, what is so reckless about it?"

"Like a million of things could have happened. It's cold and it's dark."

"What do you think is going to happen. The big bad wolf is going to eat me?"

"No, that's not going to happen. I'm not scared of animals, I'm scared of humans."

"Ok, that's stupid. This is school ground. What could possibly happen."

"The police hired hunters to help catch the wolf. So there's is a bunch of man walking around with guns."

"And they're hunting the wolf, not me," I said stepping closer to the bathroom door already planning my escape.

"Ryan, you don't get it, it's dangerous. Guns are dangerous."

"Ok, whatever, I don't care. Just...leave me alone, I really don't need this right now." I stepped into the bathroom.

"Ryan," he tried to say something else but I slammed the door right in front of his face.

I took a deep breath. hunters, huh. That's new. But that's good news, right? I mean if they kill that thing, I don't need to do it and I stay alive. So why do I hate that idea so much. It should be me. I should be the one to kill it. I deserve at least that. Jane deserves that.

The hunters probably don't even know what they are dealing with. But neither do I. 

This makes things much harder. I won't be able to just wander around. I hate to admit it but Alex's right. It's dangerous.

I pulled my pathetic excuse of a knife from my pocket. What was I thinking I would be able to do anything with this.

This is so stupid. I'm stupid. I'm powerless in this situation. I'm fighting a monster that I can't even see.

Hunters are experienced. They have weapons. They have guns.

They have guns.

I paused.

Yes, that's exactly what I need. I need a gun.

Good thing I knew where to get one.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"I'm going home," I said.

"Uhh, what?"Alex looked up from a book. Seems like he picked that up while I had my little breakdown.

"I'm going home. Like tomorrow. God, I need to call my mom." I said digging into my pocket looking for my phone.

"What? Why?"

"I just need to get away from things. It's not for long, two days max." I didn't have any desire to stay there any longer.

"I thought you didn't want to go home."

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now