the big bad wolf

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T/W: violence, blood, Alex being a sassy bitch(yes that needs a trigger warning)

Alex pov:

I didn't know what real agony feels like until I tried to survive the first hours after a change. I didn't know real pain until my first time turning.

But this time hurt more. For multiple reasons.

First of all, I lost control. Again. I would like to blame the tranquillizer but I would only be lying to myself.

And I let myself get caught. I'm getting rusty.

I wasn't in a hurry to move considering my whole body ached. I didn't even open my eyes. I had no interest in seeing the world.

I moved my shoulder slowly. The was something annoyingly itchy under me. I come to understand that I was lying on hay. 

They were holding me like an animal. Of course. I didn't expect more out of them.

But it doesn't matter. I'm just gonna wait a couple of hours until I feel less like shit and get the fuck out of here.

I didn't have a destination in mind. Maybe Brazil. Yeah, Brazil sounds nice. It's been a while since I been there. 

It's not like travelling will make me feel better. But that's what I always do. Run. I run from my problems. So why this time should be any different.


My mind suddenly screamed. Memories came back.

Shot. He got shot. I swear to god if there going to be an even scratch on him. Death will be a mercy compared to what I was going to do to them.

I realised something pretty quickly.

There was a heartbeat with me. Someone was here with me. Was with me alive.

 Just now smell hit my nostrils. I knew that smell anywhere.

The smell of the forest after rain mixed with the scent of spring flowers. Men don't usually smell like that. They smell like perfume or deodorant or sweat if they were nasty. But he never smelled like that. He was like a breath of fresh air on a summer morning. But now the smell was mixed with a faint stench of blood.


I sat up in a quick motion not caring how much it hurt. 


 I looked around. I was in a cage. A big cage in rectangle shape. With strong bars, strong enough to hold a werewolf. It was probably used to keep bears. I didn't see any other reason to make such a thing.

 I found two brown eyes staring at me. Ryan was sitting on the other end of the cage as far from me as possible. He was holding his knees close to his chest.

I listened to his fast heartbeat. He was scared.

"Ryan," I whispered. My voice still raspy. I don't remember the last time I spoke this early after a change.

His heartbeat sped up. I didn't think it could beat faster. Maybe he's having a heart attack. Unlikely. He's just scared. Scared of me.

"When did you get here?" I asked. I didn't hear when he came in.

"Uh, I woke you."

There's no way. He was here when I was out of control? That was just impossible. considering he's alive.

"No, you didn't."

Ryan stared at me, a bit confused, eyebrows drawn together.

"Yes, I did."

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now