drunken confessions

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I was passing around in my room. It was pretty late already. I knew Alex should come back soon. I haven't seen him since lunch. I needed to apologise, make sure that everything is alright between us. I acted like a total ass back then. I couldn't just leave it like that. I messed up again and I needed to fix it.

Alex came home around 11 pm. Wearing his usual brown coat. His brown fluffy hair now were wet from the rain. Dark circles under his eyes.

"Hey," he said as casually as ever, taking his coat off.

"I'm sorry." I said." About earlier."

"Ryan," Alex sighed, his hands dropping to his sides." Please, don't..."

"Don't what?"

"Don't apologise for every move you make."

"No, I will, because what I did was wrong, I- I shouldn't have done that, I should have asked you."

"Ryan, I don't care.  Just give me a heads up next time."

Next time? I thought he didn't want me to... I shook my head. I definitely not gonna ask that.

"I don't have energy for this," Alex said walking past me, flopping on his bed. Eyes closed.

"Are you alright, man? Did something happen?"

He shook his head, obviously not wanting to talk. I didn't push the question furder. I knew I wasn't getting an answer. Trying to real Alex is like trying to read a book written in a language I don't understand.

I sighed. It didn't feel right. I felt like I was fucking everything up.

"Do you wanna watch a movie... with me?" Alex suddenly asked opening his eyes.

"Uhh, sure."

He smiled at me, his tiredness instantly vanishing. I wondered did anyone ever looked at me like this. This gently. Probably not. 

"What movie, though?" I asked.

"How about my favourite," He suggested, grabbing the laptop.

"Yeah, I would love to." Like I would miss a chance of seeing his favourite film.

It's a historical drama. Because of course, it is. It just fit him so well. But the problem is that I hate historical drama. 

"This scene is completely historically accurate," Alex whispered into my ear while a bunch of WW1 soldiers slaughtered each other.

"Wow, super interesting," I said staring blankly into the screen. He didn't seem to notice my disinterest in the movie, because he was way too invested in explaining every little detail in every scene.

Soon the love interest was introduced. It was a straight romance, of course. And I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. But after some time I started kinda like it. I even rooted for the man not to die. Which was probably going to happen, because if I know one thing it is that everything in the past was sad and depressing. But overall I was quite invested. Maybe that's why I didn't notice when Alex fell asleep.

His head just slumped against my shoulder. I didn't even feel it when started to smile. I shut down the laptop. Sliding it on the table trying not to move too much. I gently picked his head from my shoulder and moved him on the pillow. I sat down on the edge of the bed so he had space to stretch. I pulled a blanket over him.

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now