It's your fault

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There is this feeling in my chest. It feels like it's too full. It's a weird mix of sadness and some kind of nostalgia, I can't really describe it. But it's mostly fear and anxiety. Fear of the future. No, not the future, but what the future might hold and not might, but will.

Jane had nightmares. I have nightmares. Jane's nightmares came true. Mine are going to come true too. There isn't much more to it.

But there's still a question in my head.

If one does know the future, can one change it?

The answer is quite simple.


Pessimistic, I know. But I can't figure out another answer when I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Images from my nightmare still fresh in my mind.

Tonight was one of those nights.

I jolted from sleep but immediately covered my mouth with my hand, choking in a sob. Alex was still asleep next to me. I didn't want to wake him up. A tear rolled down my cheek. He doesn't need to know this. The last thing I need is for him to get involved.

I climbed out of the bed not making a sound.

I went to the bathroom and locked the door. The moment I closed the door a broken sob escaped my lips. I couldn't help myself but cry.

I searched for my meds in the cabinet. I took the bottle of pills with my shaking hands and poured it into my mouth. Way too many pills came out but I didn't care. I swallowed and washed them down with water straight from the tap.

I wanted to tell Alex about everything, but I couldn't. What if something happened to him. I don't think I could take it. I couldn't even stand the idea of something happening to him too.

The images from the nightmare flashed before my eyes. I don't think I will be able to see anything else when I close my eyes for the rest of my life. As little of it, as it's left.

I'm paranoid. I'm as paranoid as jane. Maybe even more.

But there is a difference between her and me.

I know what's going to happen.

I know I'm going to die. I know how I was going to die. I'm going to get killed by the same thing that killed jane.

I don't want to die but if I have to, I'm taking that motherfucker with me.

But first, I have to find him.


My favourite pastime activity recently became reading every news article about jane's murder. But it's not like it's very helpful. Most of them talk about drugs that were found in her system. The police also tend to blame everything on them. I can't say I disagree. Drugs were involved but I wouldn't say that they're the main reason why she died.

There were a lot of strange details in the case that just didn't make sense. Like the fact that jane did drugs on a school day. As far as I know, it was a weekend activity. When she went to the parties. And why would she go to that house alone? And why the only thing that was missing was her phone? If she really was killed by a wolf, I don't think it would take her phone. And if it was a human, why would they only take her phone but not her wallet. There probably is more to her case than the police released to the public. I know they know something, but they keep quiet.

But today was different. The police officially realised the cause of jane's death. Animal attack. A wild animal killed her. All they did is find some wolf hair on her and that's it. Easy way to solve the case. They simply ignored the fact that jane's wounds didn't look like they were made by a wolf.

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