football game

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Alex and I were in our room. Alex was fully dressed but waited for me to get ready.

"I can't believe that the game is still happening. I mean jane died three weeks ago. They should have cancelled it." I said putting a hoodie on.

"It's a tradition, Ryan, plus, it's going to start snowing soon. They want to play while the field is still usable." Alex shrugged.

"I guess you're right. But why the hell are we going there?" I turned to him.

"Because you need to get out more." Alex pulled his black scarf off the hanger.

"Well, I don't want to, I'm perfectly fine here."

"You're not and you know that. Besides, it's going to be fun." 

"Watching a bunch of men run around and bump into each other really sounds like a delightful way to spend my time." I pulled my jacket on.

"Is that how you define football?" Alex walked over to me.

"Yess, because it's boring, I don't get it."

"You don't have to get it, you can just enjoy the atmosphere. Whole community getting together." Alex wrapped a scarf around my neck.

"Sounds terrible."

"Can you be just a bit more optimistic?"

"No, life is suffering and you dragging me to pits of hell."

"Oh, what a monster I am. Come on." He pulled me through the door

I grunted but didn't fight back.


The university had a huge football field. I have never been here. I just never been interested. But it seems like other people were. The whole stadium was full. Everyone cheering, music playing, teams getting ready. It was noisy. Too noisy.

But people seemed happy. They ignored cold weather and were as enthusiastic as ever.

Alex found seats for us to sit.

"I'll be right back," he whispered into my ear and disappeared.

I didn't have to wait for him long. He showed up with two plastic cups in his hands.

"Here," he handed me one of the cups. It was hot tea. Something you definitely needed in this kind of weather.

I wrapped my fingers around it trying to warm up.

"Thank you, "I murmured." I still hate this."

"I know." Alex sat down next to me.

"I hate you."

"I know."

 I paused.

"I lied."

he chuckled.

"I know."

I stared at the field trying to figure out what was happening and sipped my tea. But the only way I knew that something important happened was when the crowd cheered.

"Do you understand anything here?" I asked.

Alex nodded.

"We're winning."

"Which colour are we?"

"Red. God, you really have no idea what's going on, do you?"

"They try to get the ball to the end of the field, right?"

"Ehh, something like that. Do you want me to explain the rules?"

"God, no."

Alex chuckled.

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