don't go to the woods if afraid of wolves

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 It's been a week since the party. Life went on. Alex and I haven't talked about anything again. We just kinda danced around each other. Everything was the same but at the same time so different. I assumed Alex wanted me to make the first move, but I was scared to ruin everything. He gave me space, probably expecting me to change my mind. But I sure didn't. Every look at Alex made me feel warm and fuzzy and I couldn't help but smile every time our eyes met. I felt like a high schooler having his first crush. I felt silly about it of course, but it made me realize that I had never really been in love. It was so new to me.

I started to notice all those little quirks of Alex. The way he ties his shoes with this weird loop. The way he bites his lip when he reads and hums quietly when he's trying to memories something. The way he tells me to put my seat belt on every time he drives, even though the drive isn't even five minutes long.

"Goodbye kiss?"Alex asked when he parked the car.

I looked around but there was no one to see. I smiled realizing it wasn't for show but an honest request from Alex.

I kissed Alex on the corner of his mouth.

"You're a tease," Alex said as I pulled away.

"Good," I said and stepped out of the car.


I was walking to my last lecture of the day when I noticed Travon walking in my direction. His eyes were fixed on me. I pretended not to notice him and sped up my pace.

"Hey, Ryan, my man, how it's going?" He finally couth up with me.

"Oh, hey," I said with no joy in my voice. Travon was the last person I wanted to see. For obvious reasons.

"Listen, you and jane are close right?" He asked a bit quieter.

"Oh Jesus, don't start with that bullshit again, "I started walking again.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I was just, you know...concerned." he followed me.

"Concerned? About what?" I asked even though I didn't care to hear the answer.

"Well, people talk-"He started.

"Let me stop you right there. I had enough of what people talk, ok? I just don't care anymore."

"It's about Jane."

I stopped in my track.

"What about her?"

"She doesn't look well."

"What do you mean, not well?"

"Have you seen her lately?"

"No...I mean I saw her last week at the party and she looked fine."

"Well, now she seems off...and I heard she's been acting weird and talking about weird shit." He almost whispered looking around.

"What kind of shit?" I hated to admit that I already knew what he's going to say.

"Uhhh, I'm not sure, something about-"

"A werewolf."

"Yeah, that's right, about that, weird right? Like more weird than usual."

"Who's she telling that?"

"Like everyone, pretty much. I'm just concerned, you know, about her. If she's doing some hardcore drugs then she needs help."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll talk to her...uh thanks...for telling me." I would have lied if I say that this didn't concern me. I need to talk to her as soon as posible.

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now