First day into dating

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When I woke up the next morning Robert was not beside me. Yeah... without another choice, we slept on the same bed but we just stuck to our sides. Quickly getting freshened up I went into the living room. He is not there.

“Robert,” I called.

“Here, sweetie,” He responded from the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, walking up to him.

"You know how to make a coffee?" I asked.

"Of course."

I looked at him in surprise, shock and wonder, "How?"

"Mom taught me."

"Why haven't you woken me up? Why did you enter the kitchen?"

"You were not feeling well. I thought maybe I could prepare some breakfast but then I realised that I'm not that good at preparing Indian dishes."

"You can cook??!!" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah! Of course. Mom taught me. Dad is also a great cook." He said with pride.

I just stared at him in wonder.

"What?" He asked.

"My dad has never set a foot in the kitchen. I sometimes wonder if he even knows where it is in our house. Men won't cook in my place. In some places it's even considered a sin. Men should work. Women should take care of the house. Even though it's been changing, there are certain families who won't encourage women going out of the house."

He handed me the mug and we both sat on stools, “No one is designed for only a particular job, Sanju. Everyone is free to do the work they choose. All are equal. My mom used to say that I'm pretty handy and I'm well versed with my tools. So, don’t worry. I will always be happy to help in anything.” He winked. I got down from the stool and immediately threw my hands around his neck.

He wrapped his hands around me, “This is the first time you initiated a hug.” He tightened his hold on me. Chuckling, I released him and sat back on the stool.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked, placing a hand on my forehead.


“So, what are your plans today??” He asked.

“Nothing.” I shrugged.

“Very well, spend the day with me at Tango's.” He said.


He nodded. I smiled and sipped my coffee. It’s damn good.

“Robert, how the hell did you drink my coffee the other day?” I asked him in bewilderment.

I very well knew that the coffee I made for him the other day was too bad compared to his. For the first time, I'm doubting my cooking skills.

He laughed, “Sweetie, the coffee you made is really good but it’s just a different taste.”


Sanju is staring outside, leaning on the car window. Ethan picked us up and we are heading to my home. I sat beside her in the back seat and stared at her. She looks a little pale but she is the most beautiful person in my eyes. She thought that I would hate her but how can I? I don't know what she has done is right or wrong but I will never hate her. I will always stay beside her and will try my level best to guide her into the right paths for the rest of her life.

Job in MI is not the only reason for her to come here. There is something more to take a brave decision of abandoning her family. What is it? How can I know? I'm so lost in my thoughts staring at her.

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