The proposal

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Later that night Sanju slept early. Rami and I sat on the balcony enjoying nature.

"I am happy to see you both." Rami said, taking a sip of his drink. He leaned against the railing while I sat on the couch, cross legged and sipping my drink slowly. 

"Thank you." I said. 

"I haden’t thought that she would rile up that much. She never displayed anger. I should have known that she is suffering a lot. I should have been there for her." Rami sighed and I noticed the sadness in his tone.

"It's not your fault, Rami. You just thought that you are really helping her but she needs the help in other ways." I said.

Rami nodded, "So, When are you making another move?" 

"What?" I asked.

"Next move. Marriage." He said.

"Well…. Actually…. I haven't yet proposed to her." I said.

Rami stared at me for a moment before answering, "What? You love her and you also told her. Then what more proposals are you talking about?"

"I just expressed my feelings. I haven't proposed marriage. Will she accept me?" 

Rami laughed, "You don't need to propose separately. She already would have imagined you as her husband."

My eyes went wide at Rami’s answer, "Really?" Rami nodded.

"So, can I take the next step?" I asked.

Rami laughed, "Without any doubt."

"What if she says no?"

Rami burst into laughter at once, "Why do you think that she will say no?" 

I shrugged, "Well, she wants to be independent. She doesn't want to end up marrying. She wants to achieve her goals and fly high. What if she thinks the same way as she thought in the case of Mahesh?" 

"Mahesh's family hasn't accepted her dreams and goals, Robert but it's not the case for you. You are very much pleased to help her with her career. She also knew that. She will definitely accept you." 

I nodded.

"Ask her. You will find it by yourself. Robert, moving in with a person before marriage is a huge step to an Indian girl. Very very huge step. So, don’t hesitate.” 

I nodded again. I need to find it. I have a strong feeling that she will say yes but I'm a little nervous. Is it correct for me to take a step like it when we are exposed to danger? Getting married is a huge thing and what about her family. Will they accept me? Will they give me their blessings? "What about her parents?"

Rami sighed, "Sanju is dead in their eyes. The moment she called off the marriage they wiped their hands regarding her. They are not even worried about her. When Shreya informed us about Sanju's missing, her resignation, they immediately thought that she eloped with someone. They are not even concerned about her whereabouts."

I frowned, "How can they think that she eloped with someone?"

Rami shrugged, "It's the sad reality of the society, Robert. There are few people who think that if a girl went missing, then she has definitely eloped with someone. So there is no wonder that they think like that about Sanju."

I sighed heavily, “But it’s not the case with her. She is suffering, Rami. No one understood her.”

Rami nodded, "I would have made myself available to her. It's even my mistake. Sanju never used to share anything with anyone. She only spoke to me when I sensed that something was wrong with her."

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