Mandrake's charity gala

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Another month passed in a blink


After returning from my Japan tour, I was in my office, indulged in work. My phone rang suddenly, "Bro..... the gift is stunning!!" Rosy exclaimed over the phone.

I chuckled, "Do you like it?"

"I love it!!" She screamed. I bought a makeup kit for my sister during my Japan tour.

"So, how are you??" I asked, dropping down my pen on the table and leaning over my elbows.

"Super fine!! What about you??" She asked and I heard some rustling over the phone.

"Fine fine... Where are you??"

"Getting ready for class. What's new? Anyone serious this time?" She asked curiously.

Rosy and I are very close since childhood. We never keep secrets between us but I never shared details of our threats with her because instead of being cautious she chooses to be even more careless at those times. Also, she is still a baby to me. I just want to hide her from the darkness. 

I laughed, "Nothing baby, you would be the first to know. Don't worry."

"Ok then. I have something to tell you." She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Guess." I heard the cheeriness in her voice and thought for a while, "Don't say that you found someone."

She laughed out loud, "Of course I'm gonna say it."

"Seriously!!! Your big brother hasn't found anyone yet!!! I'm the one that's still single!!!!!" I whined.

"Don't whine, baby. I'm not sure yet!! We'll talk completely when I visit."

"When is that? I miss you." I'm really missing her a lot. She is my world.

"Soon baby... ok. Gotta go. Bye bye." She hung up. I sighed stressfully.

Rosy is staying so far away from me much to my dislike where I can't protect her and also we still couldn't find the ones who is following her.

I was about to place my phone aside but it pinged with a message.

Sam: Got a date to the weekend event?? Or my mom will really be very happy to do matchmaking.

I blinked two times reading the message. Do I have an event to attend this weekend?? I really forgot.

I called Carl using the office extension.

"Boss," Carl answered.

"Do I have any events planned this weekend?" I have a weakness to forget about the dates, events, parties. I faced a few problems in the past. So I started updating Carl about my personal life events and dates too.

"Charity gala by Mr. Jack Mandrake." Carl said over the phone, sighing hard.

"Ok." I hung up.

I scratched my head. I don't have a steady date right now. Whom I have to ask then?? Shit, Sam will really scold me and of course Mrs. Mandrake will face no trouble to find a match but I can handle her.

I don't need a date bro. I'm on my own.

Sam: You are going to be single forever.

I laughed.

Charity gala by Mandrake's family. Event for a good cause. Mandrake's family is like a family for me too. Then what is the need to take a fake date there? 

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