The hideout

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Along with my team I slowly entered the building. I knew every part of this building crystal clear, not only this, each and every property of my clients.

Daniel is somewhere in this building. I have no idea whether Daniel is alone or not but for sure he is going to get caught. My entire team scattered into the building while I stood in front of a particular room where I suspected that Daniel was inside. 10 min later my team motioned that the building is all clear.

Now, the building is entirely under our control including CCTV cameras. The room where Daniel is hiding has another way out and the police were stationed there, “You have chosen the wrong place, Asshole.” I muttered.

Suddenly I heard the commotion inside the room and kicked open the door. There crawled, Daniel on the floor, under the foot of an officer who was restraining him with a gun pointed at his head.

"Thanks for always having our backs, officer." I said and turned towards Daniel and spoke with a fake pity in my voice, "You managed well, Dani. No one knew that you were alive but it's a pity that you haven't utilised your second chance properly."

"Who wants your damned pity?" Daniel growled, while another officer was handcuffing him.
"We haven't thought you will be out there seeking revenge for the silly thing that has happened." The officer spoke standing up.
"Silly thing. My degrees were cancelled. I was jailed. My mom died. I was thrown into that psychiatric ward. It's not a silly thing."
"Well, you are the one who laid the foundation for that." I shrugged.
"It's not over, Thomas. I will come again."
"We will see." The officer said.
“Mr. Tango will contact you.” I spoke to the officers. Nodding, they left with Daniel.

Remaining men started searching through Daniel's stuff. I heaved a relieved sign. This time Daniel is going to die behind the bars for sure.
“Dear Robert, you need to start guarding this property.” I whispered before exiting the building


Rosy, Ash and Isa were strictly prohibited to come out until Daniel was caught. Michael and Karan haven't left the hospital in worry of Sanju, their new found best friend. John and Sam haven't left the hospital in worry of their old best friend, me.

John and Michael duo turned out to be most mischevous and draining out my patience with their stupid questions and even more stupid conclusions about our health conditions.

I and Sanju were highly drugged and doctors have not found out the effects of them. If we weren’t found in the nick of time, I and Sanju would have ended up dead.

John, I and Michael were watching the news while waiting for Thomas. He called and informed my dad about the updates and he immediately left without answering any of the questions. It's him indirectly telling that Thomas will only fill the answers. Sam was silently working on his laptop and Sanju slept on my chest.

Suddenly the door burst open and Thomas entered the hospital room, “Good morning, love birds. Oh, you are all here?" Everyone, including Sanju, got alerted and Michael switched off the TV.
“Huh, Thomas,” I breathed, “Where have you been all this time?” It’s killing me to sit back calmly.
“I am on duty boss.” Thomas winked.
“So, what happened? Did you find him?” I asked eagerly, while sitting up straight.
Thomas nodded, sitting on the empty chair beside my bed, “Well, yes.”
“When? Where? How?”
Thomas laughed, “Take a wild guess, Mr. Tango.”
“Come on, Thomas. I hate suspenses.” John groaned.
“Did you find him in his home?” Sam said.
Thomas shook his head and spoke to me, “Well, we found him in your house.”
“What?” I yelled. Seriously??? My house??? Holy hell!!!!!

Thomas winked, “At your grandparents house on the coast.”
“Holy hell!!! The mother fucker. Why did he hide there?” Michael exclaimed.
“Think, it's the last place - no - not even the last place it's not at all on the search list.”
“Then how did you suspect it?” Sanju asked.

“Well, as a first protocol we blocked all the roads. Searched all the vehicles, airports, everything but when Mahesh revealed Daniel is staying in the city and has no intentions to go away as his vengeance isn't over. So, we started searching every place but couldn’t find him anywhere and then it clicked to me that he took access cards to your house from Nora. We searched your house and also your office and the result is negative. Trust me, my team is very efficient. Then, we surprisingly attacked your beach house and caught him.”

“How in the name of god could he enter my property?” I was astonished.
“Robert, he kept an eye on you from long back. He knew each and every detail of your life more than you know about yourself.”
“How did he get all the money to do this?" Sam asked.
“To his utter convenience, David hasn’t blocked his son's accounts nor kept tabs on it. His assistant was looking over these and he is also Daniel’s assistant.”
"How did you find Mahesh?” Sanju asked in confusion.
Thomas shrugged, “He surrendered.”
"What?" I yelled.

Thomas nodded, "Mahesh has surrendered immediately." Well, he has a single fibre of decency. I thought. All these days I have pitied Daniel. He doesn't deserve this fate. A genius like him would have climbed heights if he hadn't chosen the wrong path but after what he tried to do I would have killed him. It's just out of pure luck that nothing has happened to anyone.

"How did Mahesh know about Daniel?" I asked.
"He said that he has been doing his research since the moment he came to know that Sanju is here. Daniel also has planned it for a long time, Robert and he really planned it perfectly but the only mistake he has made was using the wrong people. If not, I swear by now, we would have definitely lost you and Rosy."

Hearing that shiver ran over Sanju's body and she shuddered. I tightened my arms around her. Dragging her closer I kissed the top of her head.

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