Mr. Tango

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As soon as we exited the elevator I noticed a man standing in the foyer. 

"Taylor." Robert waved at him and he gently bowed in response. I turned towards him with a questioning look.

"Dad's head security." Robert answered my unspoken question. I shook my head as I found it amusing. Why are these guys so obsessed with security? Robert raced towards his father who was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, "Hey dad."

His father looked up. The older version of Robert. He set the magazine aside and stood up with a broad smile, "Robert." He said with relief like he is finally feeling at home. They both enveloped each other in a manly hug. After a brief moment Robert released himself and turned towards me. 

Pulling me forward, he placed his hand around my waist and I momentarily tensed up, "Dad, I have already introduced her to you. Sanjana." He introduced us again and in my nervousness, before Richard could speak I bent down and touched his feet. When I stood up 2 pairs of eyes looked at me in bewilderment. Oops

"I… it's …. actually…" Shit. Take a deep breath. Cool. I reminded myself.

"Actually, Mr. Tango, I'm sorry. It's our culture to touch the feet of elders, whenever we meet them, to take their blessings. I'm sorry I did it in a hurry." Saying that I lowered my head. Shit, will they get angry? Did I embarrass Robert?

"That's ok my child. I'm really happy that you are following your culture here. It depicts how much you value your beliefs. Not at all a problem. I'm happy to see you." He said in an utterly cool voice, patting my head. Smiling, I nodded in return.

"Dad, let us fresh up and come. We can have dinner." Saying that Robert took me towards the bedroom.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"What are you sorry for?" He asked while taking the steps towards the bedroom.

"For behaving like that….." I trailed off.

He stopped abruptly in the middle of steps, "God, Sanju, do you think I will be offended? Not at all. It's your culture. I will happily welcome it. Ok." I nodded. 

"Come, let's freshen up. I asked Nora to prepare dinner." He took me to the bedroom. After freshening up we went down and I arranged for dinner. Richard and Robert quickly engaged in the conversation about their work, business etc etc. After dinner they moved to the balcony. I remained silent while Robert and Richard talked - well- about everything. In the middle of their conversation Robert dragged me closer, placing his hand over my shoulder stroking me. My thin PJ's couldn't help but absorb his warm touch, sending shivers through my body and blast my ears and brain stopped working.  

Suddenly, Richard stood up, snapping me out, "Well, then. I'll make a move, son." Where will he go at this late hour? 

"Are you returning back, Mr. Tango?" I asked standing along with Robert.

"Not exactly, Sanju. I have a room booked here. I'll retire there tonight. I have work here tomorrow. Then I'll return back." He said.

My eyes went wide hearing this, "You are going to stay in a hotel?" 

"Yes." He stared at me.

"Why?" I was really shocked. Richard didn't speak anything and was staring at me with a questioning look.

"I mean you have a home here, right. Even though it's your son's home, you have full rights to stay here. Then why did you book a hotel room?"

"I just don't want to disturb you two." He said in a soft tone.

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