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Later that night we landed in Miami and reached the mansion. It’s beautiful and peaceful. A nice place to kill the weekend. Everyone immediately retired to their rooms.  

Next morning when I woke up I found Sanju on the balcony enjoying the view. Freshening up we went down for breakfast and I froze seeing my dad and Rosy along with her friends at the breakfast table.

"Dad??!!!" I said in bewilderment.

He came forward and hugged me and turned towards Sanju and hugged her. What? I haven't seen my father hugging others. Rosy and I exchanged glances in confusion.

"When did you come?" I asked Rosy, pulling her into a hug.

"Yesterday. Shortly after you reached."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, releasing her.

"Everything here is supposed to be your surprise, remember??" Sam yelled out and I rolled my eyes.

We headed to the table. Sanju sat beside my dad, opposite to me. I took the seat beside Rosy and Lilly sat on his left.  

"Is something off with dad?" Rosy whispered, pointing towards dad and Sanju.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"He doesn't even speak with anyone and will stay away from all these situations. Then what is all this?" She exclaimed. 

I laughed out loud, "He is fascinated by Sanju." 

Rosy laughed indicating that she was really surprised.

"Where is Max? Didn't he come with you?" I asked her.

"Something's come up. He needs to be at home." She said sadly.

"Are you happy, Rosy?" 

She nodded hesitantly, "Yes, bro. It's just that we are not spending much time nowadays. We are getting busy with our projects." 

"Don't worry. You can cope up and don't neglect your career." I squeezed her hand. She nodded. I turned towards Sanju and found her comfortably chatting with my father. I felt so happy to see him going easy on another person. He became so closed off after my mom's death. 

I suddenly sensed a hand on my thigh and I definitely knew whose hand it was. I spat away the hand immediately and turned towards Lilly. She eyed me with those seductive eyes which doesn't attract me anymore.

"It's better if you keep your hands to yourself, Lilly." I growled at her in a whisper.

"Come on, Robert. It's all just fun." She winked at me.

"But it's no more fun for me." I said angrily and turned towards Sam, who is in a conversation with John, without bothering a reply from Lilly.

"What are the plans, Sam?" I interrupted them.

"We all will hit the shops." Ash announced.

"We need to meet the local planners here for some arrangements Robert." Sam said.

"Aren't we having wedding planners from Seattle??" I asked.

"We have. It's just we have to meet the local people for some small arrangements." 

"That's ok with me." I turned towards my father, "What about you dad?"

“I will stay back and enjoy nature.” He announced. 

"Then is it ok for everyone??" Sam asked, looking at the table. Everyone nodded. I glanced at Sanju who was having a disapproving look on her face. My girl hates shopping. Sanju is a person of not a shopper. I smiled lightly. Everyone stood up and scattered. I went to Sam who is speaking with Isa.

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