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I stood on the balcony, staring out. When will she wake? What is she going to do? What is the reason for her to stay away from me? Doesn't she want me? But I can see her feelings about me in her eyes. Then what is holding her? Why is she not explaining to me? I was lost in my thoughts and jumped when I heard a loud scream and rushed into the bedroom. Sanju woke up and sat straight on the bed holding her head with both her hands. I slowly moved towards her. I handed her a tablet and a glass of water. She immediately gulped them without a word.

“Do you want anything, sweetie?”

She stared at me for a moment and fell back on the bed with a thud and drifted into sleep. Smiling, I went back into the balcony and grabbed my laptop and I started working. I'm so lost in my work and haven't realised the time.

“Robert.” I heard her voice and glanced up from my laptop. There stood Sanju. My girl. She looks weak. Thin. Tired. Tortured. She lowered her head avoiding my eye contact. 

"Sanju.." I  called her while standing up.

She slowly raised her chin and gave me access to look into her eyes. They are glistening with tears. No no no baby. Don't cry. I have an urge to drag her into my arms but I need to have a grip. I have to wait. The room is so silent that I can hear my own heart beating at a fast rate as usual when my girl is near me.

I opened my hands wide inviting her. She rocked on her feet for a few seconds seriously thinking about what to do. I knew what to do. Wink….. 

I lowered my hands, “Well, I need to tell you something. I bought a date with me. Do you know who she is?” I asked with a teasing tone.

Her head snapped up in horror and I was suppressing my smile, “Of course, you know her. Lisa. She is somewhere here. I can introduce you to her.” I watched her expression change from horror to fury and I couldn’t stop laughing. She immediately raced to me and started hitting my chest with her fists. I caught her fists and hugged her tight, burying my face into her tousled hair. 

"Sweetie." I whispered gently. She leaned into me but I could sense the tension radiating from her body and she was shivering lightly. I  stood straight and ran my hand on her back trying to soothe her. We both remained silent for a beat. I kept kissing her again and again on the top of her head, "Sweetie, talk to me baby. What's happening?  I’m here. I will make everything right." She remained silent.

"Sweetie, Why are you ignoring me? Don't you like me?" It’s really torturing me to ask that question but I have to ask it.

"I….Like you… very much." She whispered without taking her head from my chest.

"Then why didn't you respond to my messages or calls." I gently took her head in my hands and leaned my forehead on hers silently breathing her in. 

She leaned back and my heart broke at the sight of her teary eyes. Lowering her head, she took a deep breath before answering, "How can I stay with you after knowing that you are going to marry someone else?" 

"What? Who said that I am marrying someone else?" I asked her in confusion.

She shrugged, "I just know."

"Bullshit. Answer my question. I'm not marrying anyone. I'm neither engaged nor promised to anyone. Then who the hell told you that?" I yelled.

 She took a back step from me out of my reach.

"Answer my question Sanju. How did you think that I will be with you while marrying some other person?" I demanded, raking my hands through my hair in frustration.

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