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I woke up the next morning to the sound of an alarm. I found that Robert has already woken up and is staring at me with his crystal blue eyes which remind me of the sea, “Good Morning.” 

He grinned wide, “Morning, sweetie.” 

“When did you wake up?” I asked sitting up.

“Long time ago…… I love watching you sleep peacefully.” He kissed my forehead. I blushed at his simple comment.

“I love making you blush like this.” He pinched my cheeks. 

“I need to get ready.” I knew that I turned beet red.

“Go and freshen up. I will head to the gym. Nora will be here shortly. We can have breakfast and then I will drop you to the office.” He said standing up.

“I don’t have clothes.” I sighed.

“I will take you to your home and then you can change.” 

I nodded, “Ok. Does Mrs. Nora come every day??”

He nodded, “She is an all rounder.” Laughing, I got up and headed to the bathroom. Quickly freshen up, I headed down and found Mrs.Nora in the kitchen.

“Hello Mrs.Nora.” I greeted. Nora turned around with a hearty smile, “Morning Sanju.”

“What is it for breakfast??”

“What do you want??” Nora asked me.

“Whatever you give to me.” I shrugged and Nora smiled.

“Let me help you.” I and Nora quickly started preparing breakfast. 

Half an hour later I headed towards the gym in search of Robert. I heard soft music playing in the background which obviously I didn't recognize. I love music but is very poor in English movies and songs. Robert’s gym is very big and he has all sorts of equipment along with greenery which I found very lovely. As I entered the gym I found him running on his treadmill. He is all sweaty and I can see his well built muscled body through his sweat soaked shirt. I stood at the door silently, watching. Few minutes later he turned around.

“When did you come here?” He asked, slowing down on the treadmill.

“10 min back.” I said folding my arms in front of my chest.

“Why didn’t you call me?” He asked moving towards me. 

“Enjoying the view, Mr.Tango.” I winked at him. 

Placing a hand around my waist he dragged me closer & asked huskily, “Oh yeah!! How is the view??”

“Amazing.” I said, placing my head on his shoulder.

“Sweetie, I’m covered with sweat.” He argued.

“I don’t mind.” I leaned back looking into his eyes.

“So I think you also don’t mind me doing this,” Holding me tight he started rubbing his head and hair all over me. I laughed and squealed trying to come out of his grip. 

“How is that??” He asked with a hint of laughter in his eyes.

“Too bad.” I swatted his chest,  “Now get ready. Breakfast will be served.” 

15min later he entered the kitchen in his three piece gray suit looking amazing, utterly handsome and all professional. 

I kept staring at Robert who was so concentrated on his phone. The way his long fingers wrapped around his fork, the way his lips contacted the fork while eating and the way fingers of his left hand flew across the screen. I never knew that I would sit back and stare at a person like this and that staring will be this enjoyable. Smirking, I went back to concentrate on my breakfast. Nora is really an awesome cook. I made a mental note to learn some of Robert’s favourite dishes from her. 

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