Unexpected guest

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He stood up and turned back, hearing the sound of the door. I froze in my place seeing him. I hadn't expected it. How did he come here? How has he found out? Joy bursted into my mind seeing him after a long time but fear also made its way into my heart. Why did he come? What has happened? And what is going to happen now? 

"Sanju…" he called me in the same gentle tone. I couldn't speak. Words caught up in my throat. 

"Sanju…." He called again. He didn’t take a step, giving me time to process.

"Jenny mentioned that you have a visitor. Who is that?" Ash entered the room. 

"Who are you?" She asked at once seeing him and placed a hand around my shoulder, protectively.

"Her friend." He said.

"India?" She asked and he nodded. I just stood silently. He took a step towards me.

"Wait." Ash raised her free hand and he stopped in his tracks, "Were you checked by the security?" Security were stationed at the office even though I'm on leave. After the accident Robert doubled the security.

"I mean no harm to her." He said irritatingly.

"That's not what I have asked." Ash said with gritted teeth. 

That's when I broke from the trance. He will never harm me. I knew that. 

He doesn't need any security inspection.

"That's ok Ash." I spoke in a low whisper.

"It's not Sanju." Ash frowned.

"That's ok. Seriously. He is my friend." I said without taking my eyes from him. 

"When did he come?" She asked.

"I need to find out."

"Does Robert know?" Ash asked and I shook my head.

"Well, I will inform him." Saying that Ash exited the room with a warning look at him.

"Sanju…." He called me. 

My eyes became wet seeing him and hearing his voice, “Rami.”

We started speaking in our mother tongue.

"Sit." I pointed towards the couch. We were both seated. 

"When did you come?" I asked. I never felt this awkward when he was beside me but now after this gap and a huge change in my life I momentarily felt like I was talking to a stranger.


"How?" I asked.

"That's very silly. How can I come? I came by flight." He shrugged. I smacked his biceps and started crying. God, I missed him. This time I couldn’t stop my tears. I let them fall free. Rami placed his hand on my shoulder, trying to provide me some support. That’s when the door burst open and Robert entered.

"Sweetie…." He is breathless and panting.

"Robert?" I hadn't expected that he would return back this soon.


"Ash mentioned that someone came….." I glanced towards the other person. I don't know who he is. My protective instincts raised. Who is he? 

How did he come here? Will he hurt her? I immediately rushed to Sanju and dragged her into my arms and hugged her tight. That's when I saw her tears and they broke my heart. This is the first time I'm seeing tears making their way out of her eyes. 

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