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The next day we boarded the flight bidding for Rami, Rahul and Shreya.

I informed Carl to retrieve all the information about Sanju and change her identity proofs to the US. Sanju has slept continuously. She has been exhausted with all the drama. I left her sleeping and started working. Few hours later, when I returned back to the bed I found that Sanju woke up and sat straight on the bed holding her head.

“Headache?” I asked, climbing beside her.

She removed her hands and looked at me and nodded. My heart broke seeing her with puffy eyes, dark circles beneath them.

“Do you want to sleep for some more time, Sweetie?” I asked.

She shook her head, “No, I already feel like Kumbhakaran.”

“Kumbhakaran?” I asked in confusion.

She nodded, “Yeah!! He is the brother of Ravana.”

I stared at her for a moment, “Ravan? Villain in Ramayan, right?” She nodded.

“What is it with his brother?” I asked.

“Kumbhakaran is very well known for sleeping for 6 months and eating for 6 months.”

My eyes widened at the information, “What?”

“Yeah!! He will eat for 6m continuously and then sleep for 6m and again after waking up he will eat and sleep again and eat again and sleep. The cycle will rotate like that.”

“OMG!!” I laughed out heartily. I grabbed pills and handed it to her along with water.

She immediately popped them and we moved towards the chairs and started playing chess.

“Sir.” Ethan entered the bedroom unannounced.

“Ethan?” I looked up in confusion.

“Carter just informed me. Rosy was attacked.” Ethan announced.

“What?” I stood up immediately. My heart skipped a beat. My eyes went wide.  Ethan nodded.

“How?? Who?? God, How is she?” My body started sweating profusely.

“She is fine now. Just a few minor injuries.”

“Where is she?” I asked. I couldn’t find his voice.

“In Paris, sir. Your father and Thomas are on their way.”

“We will head to Paris. Inform the pilot about the change. Inform Carl to make the necessary arrangements immediately.” I barked out. Nodding, Ethan went out.


I flopped back into the chair after hearing Ethan. Rosy was attacked? Who attacked her? Is she safe? Is the intention to attack her or kill her? Who is doing this? Why are they doing this? What is their target? Are Robert and Richard in danger? I looked up at Robert who was still rooted in the same position. I couldn’t make out the expression on his face but he is practically shivering. It might be with anger or fear. I stood up and touched his arms, “She will be alright.”

“She has to be.” He immediately pulled me closer and buried his face in my messed up hair. I could feel the tension building up in him. Now, all my problems and mistakes seemed to be very small when compared to Robert’s threats. Even in this chaos he never broke down or tried to lose control of his life. 

Who can be a more protector for me than Robert?

Landing in Paris, we immediately rushed to Rosy’s house. Rosy is resting in her room. She has a bruised lip and a cut on her forehead. Robert bent down and kissed Rosy's forehead.

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