Missed date

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Since we came back after Sam's wedding Robert has been daily promising me to take out for dinner but in vain and he started scolding himself for being a workaholic all these years.

2 weeks later, Sam and Isa were still on their honeymoon. John and Michael become busy as they are filling up Sam’s position. I started accepting everything without any further doubts. My relationship with Robert is a bliss.

He took me out on night rides in all his toys. We used to have silly fights, wild passion rides. I became good friends with my security people, Henry and Zane and ordered Robert to stop acting like my driver since I got my own security. I went to Karan's place multiple times and spent time with his mother. Robert and Karan have got along well.

One evening, in the office, I stretched and looked at the digital clock, it's time to wrap up. I stood up picking my belongings and again glanced at the clock to confirm today's date.

Wait…. Robert promised to take me on a date, right?? I have forgotten and Robert has also not mentioned anything. I then called Robert several times but he hadn’t answered. Even if he is in any meeting Carl will accept his calls but today that’s not happened. I bid my goodbyes to John and Ash and went to Robert's office.

I went straight to Carl's desk but it was not Carl standing there but some blonde girl who was looking at Robert’s pictures on her screen. She is so into those pictures and hasn’t noticed Me. I noticed Robert’s phone beside her system which was ringing. Robert hates rejecting the calls.

That's the reason he hands over his phone to Carl when he is in an important meeting. Sighing hard I tapped on the desk.
“How may I help you mam?” She asked, recovering herself.
“Where is Carl?” I asked, feeling irritated.
“I am his help.”
That’s not what I have asked but I'm not interested in continuing the conversation, “Ok. Where is Mr. Tango?”
“He is in his room with some clients. Do you want me to inform him?” I noticed the gleam in her eyes while speaking about Robert.
I shook my head, “No need. I will go and meet him.”
“He said not to disturbed.” She said in an authoritative voice as if it could stop me.
“Don’t worry. I’m always an exception.” Winking, I went straight to Robert's room.

He is in deep discussion with clients. Seeing me Robert nodded slightly. I went to the couch, sat there and picked up a magazine. Few minutes later I placed the magazine on the table and looked up to find Robert staring at me intently still seated in his place, “When did they leave?” I asked.
“5 minutes back.”
“Why didn't you call me?”
“And miss watching you.” He winked.
“Is it?” I stood up and went up to his chair.

He immediately wrapped his hands around me and dragged closer. I moved back from his embrace and sat on his desk. Raising up, he moved to stand in between my legs. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him.
“To what do I owe your visit?” He whispered against my lips.
“I called you. You haven’t answered.”
“My phone is out.” I nodded understanding.
“Who is the girl outside? Where is Carl?” I sensed that the blonde girl out there was interested in Robert.
“Carl is going on a month-long vacation next week. So he brought her. She is looking up at my schedule from the past week and he is somewhere in the building.”
I nodded, “So where are we going?”
“Going?” He echoed.
“Yeah!! We have a date today.”


As usual I forgot about that. Actually I have planned the date to propose Sanju. Shit!! Wasted. I immediately called the girl and asked about it.

“Yes, sir. It was mentioned in your schedule.”
“Then why didn't you inform me?” I growled and mentally kicked myself of my faint memory power regarding dates and events.
“As it is your personal, I thought I didn't need to mention it.” She said hesitatingly.
“Ok, clear my schedule for the day.”
“Sir, you have a meeting with Mr. Archer.” She said hesitatingly.
Shit, I can’t avoid it, “Who the hell scheduled for the meeting?”
“Sir…… its…..” I immediately cut the call and stared at Sanju.
She is looking at me with furious eyes, “You have forgotten.”
“Sorry baby. I am really so sorry.” I cupped her face and she started hitting me in the chest with her fists. I caught her fists and kissed them gently, "I am sorry." I pleaded. She slightly nodded without lifting her head up.
"Ok, go and relax. I will come and prepare the meal to make up for my mistake." I said and she raised her head, "Really?" She asked with excitement.
"Yes, Sweetie." I said.

She beamed like a kid and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. There is a tap in the door. Sanju didn't let go of me. Wrapping my arms around her, I shouted, “Come in.”
“Your meeting is about to start, Mr. Tango.” Carl's help said.
“Cancel it.” Sanju whispered in my ear.
“Cancel it.” I said.
“Sir, you said it’s important.” She said.
“I don’t care.” Sanju whispered again in my ear.
“I don’t care.” I said.
“Sir…” She was horrified. Sanju chuckled in my ear.
“I’m coming.” I said. She nodded and left the room. I hugged Sanju even more tightly and kissed her neck, “Why am I sensing jealous here?”
“Because I am.” She admitted, “She is interested in you.” Sanju stressed. I laughed out loud and kissed her neck.
“No romance in the office.” She said releasing me.
“Is it?” I said and kissed her hard.
We both excited the room. With a goodbye kiss I went into the conference room.


I turned around and found Carl in his place, “Hey, Carl.” She greeted him.
“Hey, Sanju. It’s a surprise.”
“Yeah!! We actually have a date today. He hasn’t answered my phone. So I am here.” I shrugged.
“So going out?” He asked and I shook my head.
"Wow, it seems that he has forgotten again." He smiled.
"Again?" I asked, confused.
"Boss has a terrible hobby of forgetting his dates. So, he started mentioning to me his dates. This time he even forgot to mention it to me." He shrugged.
“No, it’s in his schedule. Your help has forgotten to mention it. She thought that it’s his personal work and not her responsibility to mention.”
“Oh, I am sorry. I should have told her.” Carl said with an apologetic expression.
“That’s ok. I also have forgotten actually.”
Carl sighed, “Perfect pair.” I bid him goodbye and went to the elevator.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed the wicked grin crossed over that blonde girl's lip. I then clearly understood that she had deliberately skipped the date and pulled up for the meeting. I wanted to say something but I'm not a kid to play these stupid games.

I went down to the parking lot. Ethan along with Zane, Henry and other people are scrutinising the cars. Zane immediately opened the door for me. I hesitated for a minute to enter the car, "Ethan, I want to go in Robert's car."
"But you love yours." He said.
"For once I want to use his car." I said. We headed to Robert's car and Henry and Zane immediately hopped in after me. 10 min later when we took a turn into an empty street….

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