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A high pitched scream of pure terror echoed all through the dark and damp forest. The girl that had just let out that expression of agony was running and stumbling through the darkness— trying to find a way out of this prison.

He was close, she could feel it.

Her throat was burning with pain from her breathing in all that ice cold air, along with the hyperventilation. Her body was weakened with sorrow, she felt like she was about to pass out, but also stopped hearing his footsteps behind her.

She stopped running, and looked around her, her hand clutching onto her ribs from the intense pain she felt there. She blinked away the tears in her eyes to get rid of the blurred vision, and tried to take deep shaky breaths that only caused her more pain. If he was gone— if he had given up she could stop running. No more unnecessary pain.

But she had been wrong, and incredibly stupid. Of course he wouldn't give up.

"I'll hunt you down if I have to," kept repeating in her head, and she was absolutely right when she was grabbed by her throat from behind— pulled with her back against his rock hard chest.

He removed the hand and replaced it with the stinging feeling of a knife against her skin— his angry groan ringing in her ear.

This was useless, running was useless, hoping for a successful escape was useless.

Just because the way he loved her was unhealthy.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now