this is technically smut but its more romantic ig?
"you guys seriously haven't had sex?" asked one of the guys on vinnie's team. "you guys have been dating for like...ever."
"im not gonna rush her." he shrugged. "we've been together for like 2 and a half years."
"is she saving herself for marriage or something?" asked his other friend.
"not that i know of. we arent rushing it."
"yeah you guys are hardly moving! me and alex have been dating for 3 months and its like we do it all the time."
he rolled his eyes, it wasn't anyones business what him and y/n had or hadn't done or how they were taking speed. he didn't ever wanna make her feel like there was any rush.
they were seniors in a month. he was happy in his relationship he had no complaints. he quickly showered and grabbed his things to leave practice. he agreed with y/n to pick her up after practice.
maybe they were going to slow? what if she had been waiting for marriage and just never told him?
he texted her that he was outside, it was pouring outside, she ran to the car and went in soaked.
"hey!" she smiled and gave him a quick kiss.
"you're soaked." he laughed. he took a picture of her. "you look like a wet dog."
"hey! let me see!" she said and he showed her.
"holy shit!" she immediately put her hands over her chest. "im so sorry."
he looked confused and then at the picture, she probably didn't wear a bra with the white shirt she had on and her tits were almost pretty much see through.
"its okay." he assured her. "do you want a sweater?"
he reached to his back seat to grab her a sweater he had.
"thank you." she blushed putting the sweater on. it wasn't like he hadn't seen them before...well he probably hadn't. maybe once? she admired how respectful he was to her.
they agreed to go to his house. they always hung out there, his family wasn't home but they were used to it.
"vin?" she asked since he was on his phone trying to connect to the speaker. he laid down next to her and gave a signal. she straddled his waist and hugged him.
"someones being nice today." he smiled. he felt surprised as he felt her kissing his neck. he enjoyed it. once she parted from his neck, they were face to face, not in an awkward way. they knew how bad they wanted each other.
he pulled her in, the passion was in the kiss. the kiss got more heated, they'd reached this point and more but they both knew this was different.
"can i?" she asked grabbing the hem of his shirt. he didnt hesitate to take it off.
"is this okay?" he assured, he wanted to make sure she felt okay. she slowly took off her shirt, she didn't have anything under which left both of them half naked.