"arent you the cutest thing ever?" said y/n with the baby in her lap. "baby look!"
vinnie was in their kitchen and she was on the couch with the baby.
"let me see. aww look at her." he grinned. "the cutest yawn ever. i love you so much. you're perfect." he said grabbing his daughter. "you're my favorite thing ever, prettiest girl ever."
"look who woke up!" smiled y/n seeing their 3 year old son walk into the living room. "hi stinky, how did you get here."
"yea..how did you get here? you climbed the crib?" said vinnie bouncing the baby in his arms. "jj you're not allowed to climb the crib."
he looked up at vinnie innocently. "sorry dada."
"its okay vin. you're getting big j." smiled y/n tickling him. he smiled and then looked over at vinnie gushing over anything his little sister did.
"can i play with her?" he asked him dad.
"shes not a toy." said vinnie. "you can look at her."
"you want to carry her bub?" asked y/n sitting jj down.
"what? its his little sister." said y/n grabbing the baby.
"daddy!" smiled the little boy seeing his dad come in.
"hey buddy." grinned vinnie picking him up.
"go play? park?" he asked.
"ball?" laughed vinnie. "yea champ, we can go play. whos that beautiful woman?" he said seeing y/n come downstairs. "honey whats wrong?"
"she doesn't wanna eat." sniffled y/n.
"what?" he said putting jj down. "is she sick?"
"no. she doesn't want me to feed her. she doesn't want to breast feed." cried y/n and vinnie hugged her.
"its normal babe, shes getting older, it doesn't mean anything. is she asleep?"
"yea. i hate it." she said.
"give her time maybe she wasnt feeling it."
"can we watch a movie? and chill." she said hugging his chest.
"what kind of chill?" he smirked.
"hey." she chuckled. "dont start."
"dada?" said jj. "ball?"
"aww..j we can go tomorrow. okay?"
"okay." he said.
"lets watch a movie." said y/n.
"there." smiled vinnie fixing jj's hair to look exactly like his. "look! you look like a 90s boy."
"i look like you." laughed jj.
"you're just like me. you're cool." he smiled. he did resemble vinnie a lot, he just had y/n's eyes which were green, and y/n's freckles, curls, etc. but mostly vinnies features.
"dada, do you love me?"
vinnies heart dropped at the question. "why would you ask that? of course i love you jj, you're my world."
"you said baby was your favorite." his sisters name was ana, but he couldn't pronounce it so they called her baby or the baby.
"i don't have favorites, i love you both equally." he said hugging jj. "i'm sorry if its seemed another world. hey, you're my first baby. you're perfect, j. i love you more than you understand."
"lets go to the beach and we can play with the ball. only you and me. boys only. we can get ice cream, and we can go get you those soccer shoes you want and sign you up for a team. ill go to all your practices and games and i wont be annoying. ill be supportive. okay?"
"okay." smiled jj. "i get ball."
"okay buddy, go get the ball."