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"youre not gonna eat all that." she said sitting on top of the kitchen counter showing her live stream a haul.

"babe, this is my first plate." he laughed. "you need to eat too."

"im busy." she said looking back at the phone.

"doing what?" he asked and gave her a protein shake he made her. "you just worked out."

he put his plate down and kissed her cheek not noticing she was live. he grabbed her face kissing her all over.

"look." she pointed at her phone, he looked at the phone and smiled, and then at her, he mushed her face. "vinnie!"

"shes so cute guys." he said and kissed her on the lips.

she smiled and he went to sit to eat him food.

"buen provecho mi amor." she said to him.

"gracias." he laughed.

"guys vinnie is learning spanish im so proud." she said.


"was it good?" she grinned.

"it was amazing! like i don't even know how to describe it. she just knew what to do." said her best friend sitting across the couch.

"look at us. remember middle school? when we would talk about your first kiss in recess? and now were adults, talking about your one night stand after morning pilates." laughed y/n.

"yea in your nice ass apartment."

"our nice ass apartment." yawned vinnie coming in.

"good morning you. we have a guest you know?" both girls laughed of his being in boxers.

"she practically lives here." he shrugged."i put on a shirt."

"advancements. plus, we all know im not attracted to men." shrugged her best friend. "vincent your ass is fat what the hell?"

"tell me about it." said vinnie grabbing a bowl of cereal. "its fatter than y/n's."

"humble yourself." laughed y/n.

"you know its a joke. what? you guys got coffee and didnt let me know." said vinnie sitting across from them on the other couch.

"of course i did, its in the fridge, it has no ice because i didnt know when youd wake up so you can put ice in it now." she said.

"youre the best."


"hi angel." she said coming into the room. vinnie looked like he was on his last percentage. "you dont feel well?"

"at all." he said sounding weak.

"what do you have?"

"a fever. thats it, but my bones hurt."

"okay, im gonna take a shower, make you some soup, and then we can watch a movie and you rest okay?" she said about to kiss him. "what?"

"no, i don't wanna get you sick."

"babe, we sleep in the same bed, we fuck every day, i make out with you 10 times a day, id be sick by now." she laughed and kissed him. "rest okay, and why are you shirt less? put on a hoodie, something warm."

she went to his closet grabbing him a hoodie, pajama pants and socks. "here."

"m-kay." he said getting up and putting what she gave him on. he got back under the covers, and quickly fell asleep.

she went to shower and put on some pjs, checked on him like he was a baby, and went to make some soup for him. once the soup was ready, she served some and put it on the table.

"bub, soup is ready." she had a pretty strict, almost most foods couldn't be in the bedroom.

he got up sleepily and sat down. quietly eating his soup. "its good baby, thank you. you're not gonna eat?"

"i ate a while ago." she said. once he was done he went to brush his teeth, and she got into bed already looking for a movie. he got onto her chest, wanting to be held. he was such a baby when sick.

she chose a movie shed want because he knocked out already on her chest. he looked adorable, literally like a baby.


"i love this one though." she said pointing to the blue print lay out of the house.

"i want a pool." laughed vinnie, the real estate laughing harder.

"we can build one. babe this is all ive dreamed of-"

"miss y/l/n, i think we should really follow vinnie's wants. after all hes the man of the house." said the real estate putting her hand on vinnies shoulder. vinnie felt uncomfortable.

"i think we should do whatever my wife wants." he smirked to his wife.

𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now