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she was definitely very high-class, daddy's girl, used to getting whatever she wanted with just pouting her lips. she was humble and a sweetheart, that is until she didn't get what she wants. then there, would she show her spoiled side. straight hair, straight As, straight forward. she was very high maintenance and put together, what any boy would want as their wife.

they attended private school together. vinnie got in mostly because of a scholarship to the baseball team, his family was no where near poor but if it wasn't for the scholar ship his family definitely wouldn't want to spend 42k a year. surprisingly enough, he loved the school and the people. they werent too cocky, and it was fun to hang out with people he loved and liked him. especially rachel walton, she was quite literally his favorite person in the world. even with her downfalls.

"hey beautiful." he said walking up his girlfriend who was sitting on the bench outside doing homework on her ipad.

"hi vincey." she smiled as he pecked her lips. she was easily the prettiest girl in the school, and she was so put together it was impressive. "what are you wearing tonight?"

he paused, what was tonight? it wasnt their anniversary, it definitely wasnt her birthday or half birthday.

she put her hands on her hips. "do not tell me you forgot."

"i did." he squinted. "but whatever it is im sure i can be ready fast."

"daddys having an event at the country club with some of his business partners. i thought we spoke about this." she scoffed putting her ipad into her "school" bag, the price of that bag could probably pay off the school's tuition.

"of course ill be there. time? what should i be wearing?" he held her bag for her as they walked towards the schools parking garage.

her whole life shes had so much done for her, she didn't even drive, her chofer was always ready. he had a nice car for himself but not in the same status as her always getting picked up and dropped off on time.

"dress code is- you're not gonna understand the term. dress pants, button up, belt, you can wear sneakers or dress shoes whatever makes you happy. cologne, and maybe change the piercing to something like a small hoop. daddy doesnt mind your piercing and tattoos but his colleagues might."

"alright, perfect. ill show you what i wanna wear before i head out? ill call you." he said pulling her in from a hug but getting real close to her ear. "how would your daddy feel knowing you call me daddy too?"

she blushed looking up to him with those innocent eyes. "he thinks im saving myself."

"so how do we go to your room?"

"the maids have my back dont worry vin. i love you, see you tonight! 7:30 please dont be late."

"ill be there at 7:25."


they walked in hand in hand into the event, being offered champagne. there was a lot of familiar faces from their school.

"oh there you two are!" said her dad as he signaled for them to come over. "this is my daughter, rachel. and her boyfriend, vincent."

they all shook hands as they made some small talk, vinnie was great at this. hed learned to kiss ass when with this family. the night when by and it seemed like rachel was a bit tipsy. he didn't mind this at all, but alcohol made her hormones crazy.

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