sick baby

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"is it even worth it to try to sleep at this point?" he asked walking back into theirs daughters nursery handing y/n a thermometer. "you okay bug?"

"shes at 102." said y/n cuddling the baby. "my poor baby."

"should we take her to a doctor in the morning?" he asked. it was 4:30 am.

it was the first time their daughter was sick, let alone a fever.

"maybe." said y/n as their daughter started drifting to sleep.

"should i call my mom and ask?"

"vin she's definitely sleeping." said y/n walking to their room with the baby still in her arms. "shes sleeping with me."

"us." he teased as they went back into their bed. "maybe shes awake. ill text her." he took his phone. "look at her face, her nose is red." he took a picture of the baby in y/n's arms and sent it over to his mom saying she was sick asking what he should do.

once it was 7 they got ready to take her to the doctors since her fever only got worse. they were exhausted, the baby wasn't too well rested either.

"this is where you were born." said vinnie to his daughter as he held her. "you're a lot cuter now."

"shes the cutest baby ever." said y/n. "like look at those eyes. shes a fucking commercial baby."

"we make cute kids, lets make another." he said

"no." she laughed as they went into the doctors office. vinnie filled out all her paper work while y/n walked around attempting to get their baby to relax and maybe sleep.

"sophia hacker?" said the a receptionist and lead them to a room. in the room was a doctor and nurse.

"hello beautiful, you look like a gerber baby!" smiled the doctor to the baby. "so we have a fever. is she still being breast fed?"

"yeah. i tried feeding her but she doesnt seem to have an appetite." said y/n with the baby in her hands.

"have you been sick recently?" the doctor asked y/n signaling her to hold the baby's head to take her temperature.

"not at all." said y/n and the baby whined as the doctor examined her mouth. "id say this is a fuo, fever of unknown origin. she hasn't seemed to gotten you two sick, so its definitely not contagious. it could definitely be that she touched something, you know how babies are and she got sick."

"how can we get rid of the fever?" asked vinnie grabbing the baby from y/n.

"im gonna send her some medicine which should be a fever reducer. but still just make sure, don't let her get cold, warm foods, unless you're exclusively breast feeding or whatever you're doing. try to get her to me awake so that she tires out, ill send her a medicine just for night time that'll make her drowsy."

"thats great. poor girl hardly slept:" said vinnie hugging his daughter.


"yes mom, sophie is fine." said vinnie double checking his daughter's room to see her sound asleep. "she just had a fever, shes still not at normal temperature but shes better."

he looked over to see y/n almost asleep on the bed.

"love you too, yeah ill tell y/n you said hi. and yes ill give you any kid of update on bug." he said hanging up the phone. "honey, at least get under the blanket."

"come." she said opening her arms for him to hug her.

"youre not even gonna put on pijamas?" he laughed. he was in sweats and shirtless, but thats what he usually slept in.

"ugh i dont even know if i care." she said getting up to the closet. she just put on a loose tank top and some random soft shorts.

they were exhausted, mostly from the stress of their kid being okay.

"i have to feed her in 30 minutes." she groaned.

"pump, ill feed her." he requested. she could never complain, vinnie was an amazing dad. he never complained, they really were 60-40. the only reason they weren't 50-50 was because sophia preferred to eat from y/n. she would only give into vinnie bottle feeding if she was really hungry.

"honey its not that easy." she said and he groaned.

"i wanna feed her."

"you can try." she shrugged. "theres bottles in the freezer." she yawned.

"babe you do know you still have to-" he started and realized y/n was already asleep. he gently took his arm away to not wake her up and put a blanket over her.

he went downstairs to prepare a bottle for when the baby needed it, he was also exhausted but he knew y/n deserved the rest more than anyone. he gave the baby the bottle, some medicine, burped her, changed her, and set her to bed. the medicine was supposed to make her really drowsy.

once she was out of her dads arms she started whining.

"you're so spoiled." he said not letting her go. she loved feeling her parents around her. she relaxed more in her dads arms. "lets go see what your mom is up to until the drowsiness kicks in."

hes always noted that y/n and sophia make the same face when they're asleep, their lips slightly part.

"mommys sleeping baby." he said both of them looking at y/n. "youre tired too." he said looking at the baby getting sleepy. he walked back to her room and rocked her for a bit. "you cant grow anymore okay. first fever, you're getting your ears pierced soon, what are you doing to me?" he said kissing his daughters forehead. "im not ready for your first steps or even crawling—im ready so you cant grow. and you can't get a boyfriend ever."

"what if she finds someone who loves me the way i love you?" said y/n from the doorway rubbing her eyes.

"babe, go rest." he said. "no boyfriends."

"what if he's like you huh?" she laughed and went to hug his waist.

"no. no boyfriends. i adore you, you dont even know how much i love you. but i wanna fuck you with the idea of anything that has to do anything with you. and my daughter isnt gonna go through that."

"everyone deserves good sex."

"y/n!" he scoffed. "dont talk about our daughter and sex."

"she was made by sex." she said laughing, she mostly did it to annoy vinnie. "shes gonna have sex eventually-"

"y/n, respectfully shut the fuck up." he said putting the sleeping baby in the crib. "dont ever talk about that again."

he said walking out of the room with y/n hugging his waist. "or what?"

"or ill destroy- see this is why she cant have a boyfriend. case closed."

𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now