vinnies pov :
my bones felt frozen but it felt like my blood was boiling. just one more time, one more time and im done. one more line and im done.
y/n wouldn't leave me alone about how terrified she was about my usage. i love her to death but she just doesn't get it. its not like im dying, end of the day i have all i need. she just didn't understand that this is a normality and its fine.
im not an addict, its not like ill die from it, i can quit at anytime.
i could feel the high taking me over. it made me feel so away from the world, which i love my life but theres this part of it that isn't easy to fix. but i dont like talking about it.
i needed to hide this shit before y/n came over. i was living with a whole house of people, i wasn't the only one who consumed.
i sat in my chair watching the room move. i couldn't have felt more relaxed. my body felt cold but in the best way. after all, im fine? i can probably walk around and play it off. theres no one home, y/n was out with her friends.
one more, only one more.
y/n's pov :
i kept tapping my finger on the steering wheel unconsciously. maybe he hasn't answered my calls because he fell asleep? or maybe he's playing video games? i cant avoid the fact that he could definitely be high out of his mind.
i wish he'd understand how terrifying it is to see such an angel like person be consumed by drugs. he was the brightest guy ever. im too in love to let him lose himself, i love him too much to leave him alone. and i know how annoyed he is of me telling him to let that shit go. he wants me to understand but what the fuck is there to understand? that my boyfriend's an addict?
"hey!" i tried to force a smiling when going into the house. not everyone here consumed but certain people did. i could understand why, the influencer world isn't easy.
"hey!" smiled kouvr. "you looking for vin?"
"yeah, is he home?" i think she could see the worry on my face. i struggled playing it off.
"yeah, i mean his cars are everything ok?" she asked. everyone in that house, anyone who knew vinnie in genera, knew for a fact he wouldn't ever cheat on me. he was absolutely in love.
"he hasn't answered his phone i just got kind of worried." i said as her and i went upstairs together.
"vin?" i knocked and there was 0 answer. i just decided to put the code in and saw him sleeping. but i knew deep down he wasn't sleeping, he was blacked out. i walked to the bed hoping that maybe id touch him and hed wake up. "baby?"
i was trying to keep it together. "vin, baby, wake up." i said shaking his chest. "vin, come on."
i was panicking.
"vinnie." i said turning the lights on. i shook his arm and lightly slapped his face. "baby wake up." i didn't know what to do. "vinnie wake up! please wake up! vinnie!"
i didn't know how loud i was i was just hoping he could hear me somewhere in there.
"please, vinnie, please. please." i said rocking his chest, i put my ear up to his chest. his heart was beating but it was slow. "vinnie! please, im begging you!"