"if i see one more damn video of this on my for you page i swear to fuck-" she groaned to jack who was sitting on the couch. "like if he wants to fuck her go ahead but making it obvious.""you talking shit?" said vinnie coming into the living room.
"can i help you?" she asked, looking at her phone.
"youre hair looks really nice. did you do something different?" he asked grabbing the cup of coffee from the counter. she still looked at him with a bitch face. "going to have to call my dad, that hair trick doesnt work."
she rolled her eyes at him. "im going to go tan outside." she went upstairs. they were all living in a big house together but less people, instead it was 5 of them in an 8 bedroom, it was just temporary before they all found where to go.
"for the record, i do think her hair looks great. a little more curly than usual." he said sitting next to jack. "whats her deal? did her ass look less fat this morning?"
"honestly everytime it looks the same or better." said jack.
"jack." said vinnie glaring at him. "the fuck was that?"
"whats wrong?"
"you know that kelly and i have something, dont call my girl—dont comment on her ass."
"why? yall arent official."
"you know, i do have love for her, and we do...hook up—i dont like calling it that but 6/7 times we sleep in eachothers beds."
"so youre jealous?" asked jack.
"jealous? no i just dont like when men lust her...yea a bit actually."
"great! then you two are on the same page and you wont have to have ur head in ur ass when youre talking to her." said jack getting up. "by the way, ive never looked at kellys ass before."
"i hope this makes sense in an hour from now." he said getting up and going up to kellys room. "kelly?"
"its open." she said. he opened the door and she was tying up her bikini.
"whats up?" he said sitting down on her bed. "c'mere."
"no." she said going into her bathroom and coming out with a hair tie.
"kelly, what is this attitude? did i fuck bad last night or something?"
"did you hook up with tara?" she asked.
"no. the hell?" he said. "why would i hook up with tara?"
"you were so flirty with her." she said putting up her hair. "be honest. did you even kiss her?"
"no. we didnt kiss." he chuckled. "this is what its about? youre jealous? aw sweetheart." he walked closer to her and put his hand on her hip, her eyebrow were furrowed. "youre so greedy."
"vinnie, no."
"its normal."
"no. its not. it fucking sucks actually and i think we should stop hooking up. and maybe not even be friends because u obviously have little respect for me. because you sleep in my bed, talk to me about everything, have sex with me, you do such romantic gestures, but its only when theres no another girl in the picture. in january you told i was the most special girl in your life after having sex with me and went awol for a week and came back with julia! and then she's walking around our house, looking at me like im the worlds worst person. but it wasnt me who was in the wrong! it was you!"
"me? i told you that you were the most special girl to me, not the love of my life. i liked you, remember? i kissed your ass for months, i got rejected so much, you started wanting to have sex after hearing that there was a possibility that julia existed. you felt threatened, so you had sex with me." he said and she stood silent. "exactly. you dont have anything to say. what are you going to tell me now? that you like me? that you want me now? or you just dont want to share me? tara and i are nothing, but for the record, she's absolutely gorgeous and maybe if i wanted to, i would. and id give a fuck about your feelings." he scoffed. "really? youre mute now? maybe you should've walked out of that door with julias psychotic ass."
"you're really going to compare me with julia?"
"yea, i could in a lot of aspects."
"really? like?"
it wasnt her ego that hurt with that comment, it was as if he stabbed a knife through her. and he knew he did.
sometimes he hated how bulletproof kelly was. but he got her there.
kelly and him both knew that even if they tried to play it off as if they just liked to have sex, it was extremely intimate. and deep down they knew, even with the sex being amazing, it was the one thing they had that they got internally knew that they loved eachother. sex is sex, but for them sex was the only way to show eachother they loved eachother.
"get out."
"get the fuck out."
"kelly i meant compare as in the pleasure not the intimacy."
"vincent. get the fuck out of my room." she said and he looked down to the floor.
"can we please not do this? kelly, what we have is special-"
"not special enough."