Personal Trainer AU (Part 3) - Hailee Steinfeld

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Summary: Hailee and Y/N go to the drive-in theater and Y/N takes her on her favorite place.

Warnings: none.

Word count: 5597 words.


"I can't find anything to wear!" Hailee groaned in frustration and slammed a skirt on the bed, not noticing someone approaching her bedroom door.

"Woah, what happened to your room?" Griffin exclaimed in bewilderment while entering Hailee's room, his eyes widening at the mess he was witnessing. Clothes were scattered around the room, from the floor, to the bed, from the desk to the chair and couch, Hailee trying different outfits but not finding the perfect one yet, throwing the said clothes anywhere and leaving wherever they landed.

"I'm going out and I need to find the perfect outfit. I need to be ready in... 30 minutes! Great!" Hailee opened her arms and slamming them on her thighs soon after in frustration.

"Who is the lucky guy? Someone I know?"

Hailee stopped her frantic search of something to wear from the pile of clothes on her bed and lifted her eyes to look into her brother's eyes, who was waiting expectantly for an answer, "oh I'm not going out on a date with a guy."

"Are you hanging out with T?"

"No, she's busy for the next two weeks." Hailee mumbled.

"You're being really cryptic, how are you going out with?" Griffin squinted his eyes at his sister, Hailee fidgeting on her spot, suddenly really nervous.

"I'm going out with Y/N." Hailee finally relented and breathed out the answer, a little weight lifting from her shoulders.

"Y/N?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, last night we came across each other in a club and talked for a while. I was telling her that I've never been in a drive-in theater and she promised me to take me there tonight. And then, after the movie we're going out to eat, she lost a bet we did in the club." Hailee explained, not having enough strength to meet her brother's eyes when realization would hit him, occupying herself in still finding something to wear.

"Mh." Griffin simply stated, staring intently at her sister, who still didn't met his eyes. He silently walked up towards her, stopping just beside her sister and pointed to a pair of sky blue trousers. "This color looks good on you, choose a top to wear and you'll be fine."

This time Hailee looked up and into his brother's eyes and smiled in appreciation, "thanks Griff! They're perfect!" She excitedly lifted them up to examine them, already knowing the top to pair them with.

"You're welcome... hey, I gotta go... I passed by to ask you what you wanted to eat, but you have a date..." Griffin nonchalantly threw the words over his shoulder at her sister on his way out, a smirk forming on his lips when Hailee stopped him on the threshold.

"Wait- it's not a date." Hailee clarified, but the twist in her stomach was literally screaming how much she wanted it to be, but the singer wasn't ready to admit it out loud, let alone to her brother, still wrapping her mind around these new and terrifying feelings she developed for her personal trainer.

"It's not?" Griffin asked, playing dumb with her sister.

"No, we're just friends. And you know... I'm straight." Griffin was staring intensely into her eyes with the smallest of smiles lifting just the left corner of his lips. "Don't look at me like that." Hailee rolled her eyes good-naturedly and crossed her arms, a childish pout flitting on her lips.

"Like what?"

"Like you know something that I don't."

The small grin Griffin had on broadened into a huge, teasing smile, "want to know what I think?"

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