First Time Eating You Out - Hailee Steinfeld (*)

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A/N: HELLO HELLO HELLO PEOPLE! I finally finished my longest oneshot (so far lol)! By popular demand, I decided to publish it whole without splitting it in half! So enjoy this long ass chapter!

Let me know what you guys think, it really means a lot ❤️

As always, sending love to everyone of you wherever you are ❤️


Summary: Y/N and Hailee had been casted on the same movie. When they discovered they had to play a couple on the screen was really hard to keep their feelings at bay. They were told the movie had a lot of sex scenes in it they took it pretty well, but one particular one ignited a lot of questions and uncertainty between the two actresses. They discuss it and find a solution, then the situation escalates quickly.

Warnings: smut, smut, smut. Fluffy smut, but a lot of it.

Word count: 21210 words.


"Haiz, you won't believe who just called me." Y/N entered the living room after leaving it to take a call from her manager, and sat back down on her previous spot beside Hailee, smiling warmly when the brunette immediately resumed their cuddling position.

"Tell me!" Hailee urged Y/N on excitedly when the girl stayed quiet with a shit eating grin, wanting to know what put that bright grin on her face.

"It was Kelly, she told me I got accepted for the part I auditioned months ago. Remember when I told you it was all held in a great secretive way and I didn't even know for what movie I was auditioning for?" Hailee nodded softly, remembering the day Y/N told about this secret project she auditioned for and listened to her concerns about not getting the part since she only had a rough description of the character she was auditioning for. "I got the part!"

"Oh shit! I'm so happy for you Y/N/N! See? You didn't have to worry about not getting the part, like someone told you. You have an amazing talent, every director would be happy to have you in their movie." Hailee spoke truthfully, placing her hand on the girl's neck to caress her scalp gently as she gazed into her Y/E/C irises intensely, causing wild butterflies to fly around the Y/H/C girl's stomach and shivers to invade her whole body.

"Want to know the best part?" Y/N lifted her right eyebrow up in question and Hailee noticed how her expression adorned with a soft grin switched into a smug one with a sly smirk in mere seconds.

With her interest now piqued, the brunette quickly asked, "what?"

"They finally told me the name of the movie I'm now in."

The silence that Y/N let fall between them for good measure what driving Hailee crazy with curiosity, "Y/N!" Hailee whined in fond exasperation, slapping Y/N's stomach softly much to the girl's entertainment as she giggled gently, "don't leave me hanging now!"


"You're kidding, right?" When Y/N kept staring at her with her wide smirk and wiggling eyebrows, Hailee erupted into a bunch of squeals as she hugged Y/N tightly in excitement, just now connecting the producers asking Hailee to be secretive about the whole movie, not sharing with her the whole plot with her, just a bunch of general informations about it and about Y/N not even knowing the name of the movie she auditioned for, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT! We're gonna be in the same movie!"


"Hey! How are you?" Y/N asked as soon as Hailee entered her car, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top exposing a bit of her abs and showing up the girl's amazing shoulders and muscled arms, not to mention a just a tiny bit of her cleavage. Holy shit.

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