Your Biggest Fan - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request)

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Summary: Y/N decided to become an actress instead of a lawyer like her parents wanted and Kate stayed by her side no matter what. They both have feelings for each other and one night they acted on them.

Warnings: none, just pure fluff.

Word count: 3856 words.


"Kate c'mon! I need to focus. Stop distracting me!" Y/N whined and used her script as a weapon to hit Kate repeatedly on the shoulder when she carried on bugging her to make her focus her attention on herself and not on the papers in front of her.

"You've been rehearsing and rereading that script for four hours now. You know the part by heart! C'mon, let's hang out! I miss my best friend, who's been ignoring me for hours I might add!" Kate whined into Y/N's left shoulder as her arms around them tightened while she side hugged her friend seated at the dinner table, in her cozy apartment.

"Such a drama queen. You should go to the audition instead of me." Y/N joked and heard the melodious sound that was Kate Bishop's laugh, instantly putting a warm smile on her lips. "I want this audition to go smoothly, Kate. It's a big part that could help me out in this industry. I want it to be perfect."

"And it will! Do you want to know why?" When Y/N nodded as her teeth nibbled on her bottom lip in worry, Kate had to rip her eyes away from that enticing sight to meet her Y/E/C eyes and continued with her speech, "because you're incredibly talented. You're perfect for that part. So stop worrying about it. You need to clear your mind a bit."

Y/N grinned up at her best friend as warmth invaded every fiber of her body at the gentle words the archer reserved for her and sighed dramatically, finally relenting, "okay Bishop, stop kissing my ass. Flattery is one of your strongest suit and I hate that it works on me every single time." Y/N closed the script, the motion a little bit difficult due to Kate's hands still wrapped around her, and turned around into the embrace to hug the black haired girl hard. "Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you by my side."

"Probably lost in a void of desperation." Kate chucked when Y/N slapped between her shoulder blades as a soft giggle left her lips as both pulled away from the embrace. Kate's hands gripped her neck and forced the Y/H/C girl to stare into her eyes, "but I meant every single word Y/N/N. You are an amazing actress, the part is already yours. I know that." Y/N smiled appreciatively at the archer and hugged her once again, whispering a soft 'thank you' in her ear before kissing her cheek repeatedly and pulling away completely to sat up from the chair.

"How about pizza and a movie? You pick." Y/N suggested as she walked to the kitchen counter to grab her phone to order their dinner but stopped Kate just as she opened her mouth eagerly with her back to her, "no horror movies."

She turned around to lean her back on the kitchen counter as she dialed the pizza place's number and snickered under her breath when Kate mumbled in a dejected tone, "you're no fun."

She ended the call and blocked the phone before walking towards the archer who was sporting her infamous pout, "don't look at me like that. We both hate horror movies. Last time we watched one, you spent the entire movie hiding under the blanket and hugging me at every jumpscare."


"Stop moving you big baby, I'm almost done!" Kate grunted out in pain but tried to stay still as Y/N finished her work. "And done!"

Y/N threw the cotton wools she used to clean Kate's wound in the trash can and examined her work. "Thanks, Y/N/N."

"Y'know I decided to become an actress not a doctor." Y/N joked before she kissed sweetly Kate's knuckles, causing shivers to run down the blue eyed girl at the sweet gesture.

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