You're My Flashlight - Emily Junk (Part 5)

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Sorry for disappearing again, but I was on vacation! I got to visit Bruxelles and it was amazing!!!

Anyway, I'm here to make up with a new chapter! I hope you'll like it.

PS: I need to ask you guys a question. I've been working on an idea I had about a new Hailee imagine and I'm still working on it. I just noticed I just hit like 13k words (lol) and I'm not finished yet (spoiler: it's gonna be smut *wink*). What I want to ask you guys is, do you prefer reading the whole chapter (it'll have at least 15k words I think), or do you prefer if I split it in two parts? Let me know in the comments!

Without further ado, enjoy!

Sending love ❤️


Summary: Y/N admits her feelings for Emily to Stacie. The Bellas go to a music retreat.

Warnings: none.

Word count: 4833 words.


"Hey Y/N, have you seen Beca?" Chloe peeked her head into Y/N's room when she noticed her door was open and found her on her bed typing away on her laptop with a few books and a notebook strewn all over it.

"No Chlo, we got lunch together, but I hadn't seen her since then."

"Do you know where she could be? I need to talk to her about our WORLDS setlist." Chloe asked, her face pleading Y/N to tell her her sister's whereabouts. Y/N knew exactly where Beca was, but she promised her she wouldn't tell anyone about her job, so even if it physically pained her to lie to the redhead, that now resembled a kicked puppy, she had to.

"I don't know. She may be in her favorite cafe. She likes their espresso." Okay maybe she need to strengthen up her resolve around the redhead, because it seemed almost impossible to let her down when she pouted at her that way. It is almost as hard as letting Emily down. But let's not go there, Y/N wasn't in the mood to self-embarrass herself for every time she caved in with just a glint of Emily's pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Great! I'll go there. Oh and Y/N/N-" Chloe opened her mouth to say something more but was interrupted when a muffled sound of feet climbing up the stairs stopped her. "Oh hey Emily." At the mention of the brunette Y/N sat up straight on her bed and instinctively adjusted her appearance, glad that Chloe had her head turned to the side to greet Emily and her vision was blocked by the door frame so she couldn't notice how desperately she fixed her disheveled self - little did she knew, Chloe totally noticed.

"Hey Cap, how is it going?" The beauty that is Emily Junk appeared a few moments later at Y/N's room's doorstep, causing Y/N's throat to dry up right away at how effortlessly beautiful Emily was, clad in worn, ripped jeans and what Y/N just noticed was one of her Lady Gaga old t-shirts. "Y/N/N!"

"Hey Em."

"I'm good, legacy! I'm in a hurry, I'm going out to go find Beca. She is at the cafe out of campus. Do you guys want something from there?"

"No, I'm good."

"Nope, thank you. I'll see you later Chlo. Oh and tell my sister that she still needs to hear my new mix."

"Noted, I'll see you later guys." Chloe waved at them enthusiastically, Y/N eyeing her entrance just until she heard the house's door close before hurriedly standing up and closing the door. In her focused state she didn't notice Emily entered her bedroom and neatly closed Y/N's books and notebook and placed them on her nightstand so she could sit on the mattress, so when she turned around to grab her phone on the bed, she met a curious, confused gaze.

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