Just The Way You Are (Prequel) - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request)

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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE! Here I am with another request. Since someone asked for r to play a DC superhero and my first story was about a character playing a DC superhero, I decided to combine these two things, writing a prequel of my first story Just The Way You Are. So if you want to know what happens next, go read it! (I need to warn you guys that in that story you won't find Y/N but the character I created - Maggie, but worry not because you can replace her name and her features with Y/N - Y/H/C - Y/E/C!) I wanted to change those parts but I need time to reread it and do that, so be patient with me!

Anyway, enjoy these two being two hopeless idiots in love!

As always, sending love ❤️


Summary: Y/N got a part in a tv show where she has to play a DC superhero and asks Pete, Hailee's dad, to train her.

Warnings: none.

Word count: 3249 words.


"They were amazed and in awe when they saw me auditioning for that part. I was over the moon when they called me to tell me I got the part. I worked really hard to get this role and I'm gonna keep doing that!" Y/N smiled excitedly, slamming her hand on the kitchen counter hard while her sister Selena stared at her with a big, thrilled grin of her own as she listened to Y/N's story on how she got a part in DC's Legends Of Tomorrow and that now she was gonna be a DC superhero.

"That's so cool, Y/N/N!" Selena sat up straight from her leaning position on the kitchen counter and literally sprinted towards Y/N to wrap her in a tight, warming embrace, peppering the side of her face with small kisses, ripping soft giggles from Y/N as she tried to get away from her sister's attack. "I'm so proud of you!" Selena continued with her assault for a few more seconds before releasing Y/N and grabbing her hand to tug her up the stairs where their studio was, ready to start their studio session to record a few things for their upcoming album. "When are you going to start?"

"We're starting in 8 months, which means I have less than one month to find a personal trainer to get me in a greater shape for the role."

Selena then proceeded to tell Y/N the ideas and showed the few lyrics she wrote down on their journal, but a loud ping sound interrupted their creative process, causing the younger girl to murmur softly, "sorry, I'm gonna turn off my phone. Let me just check who texted me." Y/N sat up from her seating position on the floor and walked to the mixer where she left her phone.

An instant smile flitted over the Y/H/C girl's face while her eyes shifted over the phone screen, "from the dumb smile I can see from there, that text can only be from one person only. Hailee." Y/N kept her eyes glued on her phone as she typed a response, her phone dinging a second later. "You're not even listening to me right now, I can say anything and you won't even hear me." Selena rolled her eyes fondly at her sister and stretched her arm behind her to grab a pillow on the couch she was leaning on and threw it right in Y/N's face, finally detaching her eyes from the phone and grabbing her attention.


"Finally! I was talking to you, but you were staring at your phone with that lovesick puppy expression."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Y/N avoided Selena's gaze full of glee and her amused grin stretched on her lips.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I still don't know why you didn't confess your feelings to her yet. She's now single, you have your shot."

"Sel we've discussed it, I'm not gonna do that. I almost did two months ago when she came here crying for that douchebag. I will never stop loving her, but I know I won't be the one she will end up with. I'm trying to accept that."

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