Madripoor - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request) (*)

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A/N: A DOUBLE UPDATE IN THE SPAN OF FEW DAYS?! YES BABY I'M FINALLY BACK! Here is one of the many requests I have in my inbox. I hope you enjoy it!

As always, let me know what you guys think!

Sending love ❤️


Summary: Y/N and Kate are getting ready for their undercover mission in Madripoor, but an unexpected change of plans almost made Kate blow their cover up.

Warnings: smut.

Word count: 6064 words.


Kate and Y/N were getting ready in their luxury hotel in Madripoor for a simple mission: hunt down an art theft. He is the most powerful person here in Madripoor. He was capable, in less than 8 months, of ruling over the entire city. Everything passes by him. Fury sent them here to stop him when a month ago he tried to infiltrate in America, with a cover of selling a stolen piece of art, when in fact the trade-off was about unknown drugs and interdimensional weaponry.

"Okay, everything is ready." Y/N closed the duffle bag with all her equipment and nodded at the black haired girl, who was touching up her makeup in the body length mirror in front of the bed. "You're going to get there and convey the room, find potential treats and assessing our target while I'm going to hack into the cameras and survey everything from the building right across the street, we distract him and then our backup team will take him. If something goes bad, I'll be there in a second. Did you turn on your intercoms?"

Kate nodded dutifully and lifted her hand up her forehead while standing up still, "all ready, sir!"

Y/N snorted at the archer's goofy behavior and pushed her on her stomach, causing her to stumble back a little as she let her serious façade fall off her features, "you're a dork."

"I'm sorry, but you get too serious before going undercover." Kate snickered as she rounded her arm around Y/N's shoulders and pulled her into a quick embrace.

"And you find this all too much fun."

"Because it is! It's exciting!"

"It's dangerous." Y/N countered back but the small smile tugging the corners of her lips told the archer she wasn't completely serious about her reprimand.

"And I get free food and booze! All the while schmoozing with this mouth-dropping suit." Kate spun around to prove her point before opening the suit's button open and arching seductively her eyebrow up at the agent. Y/N gulped imperceptibly at that gesture and couldn't help but agree with Kate. The purple suit she was wearing was literally making her body buzz in an enticing way and her head spin out of control. The soft fabric was hugging her figure in all the right places, enhancing her curves and her slender figure, making really hard for Y/N to breath with the blue eyed girl so close to her. Her look was completed with a pair of black combat boots, bold make up to highlight Kate's enthralling blue eyes and her hair flowing down her shoulders in almost-too-perfect waves.

"Eh it's alright." Y/N tried to wave her off with a soft shrug and reveled at the indignation flitting over Kate's face.

"You'll see when all the ladies in Madripur will be all over me." Kate pushed her hair to the side confidently and winked in her direction.

Y/N covered her jealousy up with a snort and her best coping mechanism, sarcasm, "don't forget to turn your intercoms off. I don't want to hear anything."

Kate laughed at the joke Y/N just cracked and shook her head. Little did Y/N know Kate put that suit on only for her.


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