The World's Greatest Archer - Kate Bishop (Part 3)

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First of all I want to start saying... 200K views on my imagine book?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I have no words to explain how grateful I am for each one of you spending time reading, liking, commenting and sharing my stories, it means the world to me ❤️

To celebrate, here's another chapter! Enjoy!

Sending love ❤️


Summary: Y/N, Kate and Clint pay a visit to the LARPers, Y/N meets Eleanor and someone follows Y/N and Kate.

Warnings: none.

Word count: 4341 words.


"Oh my god, this is amazing." Y/N gasped out in amazement when they arrived at the park they knew the Larpers would be due to Kate successfully tracking someone of them's phone.

Kate and Clint turned their heads around at Y/N's statement, then Clint focused his attention on the Y/H/C girl and looked at her in puzzlement at her big, shit eating grin on her face. "Really?" Clint asked unsure, furrowing his eyebrows uncertainly as he switched his gaze from the Maximoff to the group of people dressed with medieval clothes and fighting with foam weapons.

"Yeah! Holy shit, let's go!" Y/N started to walk towards the battlefield but was immediately stopped by Clint's hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, no, no, no, no, no. We're here to take that suit back. He's our guy." Clint pointed to a tall man wearing the Ronin costume and fighting against a bunch of people with a foam katana.

"Oh yeah, there it is." Kate spoke up for the first time after staying uncharacteristically quiet for a few minutes as she let Clint and Y/N bicker beside them.

"Yeah, let's go." As soon as Clint started walking towards their target, they got stopped by a blonde girl wearing some kind of brown, leather uniform.

"Woah, woah. You can't go in there."

"Ah, I'm sorry. I just need to talk to that guy over there." Clint smiled politely, but Y/N noticed an ounce of irritation in it and rolled her eyes in fond exasperation.

"I'm sorry, you can't do that. You need to partecipate at our play."

"It won't be necessary. I just need that costume back. That suit was stolen."

The blonde grimaced in regret and shook her head, "look I know who you are, but this goes against our rules. If you want to talk to him you either partecipate at our play or wait for it to be over."

Just when Y/N opened her mouth to tell the girl they were going to partecipate, Clint beat her to it and spoke up first, "how long until it ends?"

"10 hours." The blonde answered seriously and both Y/N and Kate snorted under their breaths at the irritated face Clint had on.

"Where can we sign in for the campaign?" It was then that Y/N butted in the conversation and looked at Kate in a silent question, the young archer nodding eagerly at her before smiling politely at the blonde.

"Follow me!"

After they took everything covered and Kate left her dog at the front desk, they finally changed into their medieval clothes and walked into the battle field, Y/N and Kate walking in side by side, followed by an unamused Clint with a deep frown on his features a few feet back. "Remember, we're the most dreaded Twins of Deepdale. No one will survive on our path."

Clint rolled his eyes when Y/N repeated the words from the scroll they gave them and watched Kate nod resolutely before turning around and sinking her foam sword on the back of a boy near her. "Why is this happening to me?"

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