Sex Pollen (Part 2) - Kate Bishop (*)

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A/N: as requested here's part 2! Enjoy! 😉

Sending love ❤️


Summary: Kate and Y/N made it official after the incident, but before they go to Y/N's house to have dinner with her family, something happens that makes the dinner... interesting.

Warnings: did anyone say smut?

Word count: 9113 words.


"Kate! Your shirt is still in front of the elevator!" Y/N whisper-yelled to the archer, hurriedly picking a bra and throwing it to Kate, who caught it effortlessly and put it on, before rushing towards her shirt and running to Y/N's bedroom to stash it away, Y/N's eyes having troubles to focus for a few seconds on anything but Kate's naked butt running around her living room collecting their things up, causing her mouth to dry up while all the warmth in her body settled between her thighs. Just when Kate exited the living room, the elevators doors opened abruptly and Y/N stopped in her tracks with her black bra on and her jeans stuck mid-thigh, staring at the two amused figures walking in her living room with her eyes widened in shock.

"Had fun fondling with your kitty?" Yelena asked amused, her lips curling in a satisfied smirk at Y/N's hilarious expression, while Natasha didn't even try to not to laugh at her sister's question and at the deep red color adorning the younger girl's features.

"You were supposed to wait for me to open the elevator, not bursting in my apartment without notice."

"I did warn you that I would've opened the elevator myself if you didn't open it." Yelena countered nonchalantly and walked past her friend, now pulling the jeans all the way up and fixing the zipper, before pulling a blue shirt on and rolling her eyes at the blonde. Yelena went to tease her friend more when her eyes settled on an interesting item on the floor, a Cheshire Cat smile settling on her lips. "You were in a hurry..." Yelena stared at Y/N with mischief clear in her green eyes, causing the girl to swallow visibly in fear while Natasha stared at her sister in anticipation with a small smirk already appearing on her mouth. "You forgot your underwear here." Yelena looked down at the panties right beside her left foot, before meeting Y/N's eyes with an amused grin.

Y/N opened her mouth to try to find a believable excuse to tell Yelena only to close it a second later when the archer decided to join them right in that moment, "babe I couldn't find my panties so I borrowed one of" Kate drawled the last word of her sentence as she stopped in her tracks when she noticed their guests now staring at her with a mix of shock and delight, wearing a pair of worn out jeans and Y/N's favorite black t-shirt with her superhero logo on it. "Hi." She spoke up uncertainly, wringing her fingers while her eyes switched between two pair of green and blue eyes before settling on Y/N's comforting and warming Y/E/C irises, silently asking for her help.

"Kate-" Y/N tried to spoke up but the blonde's voice stopped her mid-sentence.

"I found your panties Kate." Yelena smirked at the archer and kicked the garment towards the archer frozen in her spot, who picked them up quickly and threw them behind her in Y/N's room and closing the door quickly to prevent the two girls to see the wrecked bed with the dirty sheets on the floor, smiling brightly at the two sisters to cover up her burning blush on her cheeks. "So Y/N/N, did you recently find a roommate or did you finally grow some lady balls and used the sex pollen to fuck Kate?" Y/N simply let her jaw fall down on the floor as her blush to intensified tenfold, while Kate choked on her saliva and Natasha laughed her ass off in the back. "I'm assuming it's the latter given that big purple bruise on your neck... and Kate here loves that color so much, am I right?" Yelena asked with a soft shrug of her shoulders and a big, satisfied grin gracing her lips, her eyes mixing with Kate's embarrassed blue ones before switching to Y/N's distressed Y/E/C orbs.

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