It's A Full Moon Kinda Night - Hailee Steinfeld

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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE! I know, I know I disappeared again, but I had been busy with college, ugh!

Anyway, here I am, back with another fluffy chapter! And since I trying to make amends with everyone of you guys, another chapter is ready to be posted!


Sending so so much love to everyone ❤️


Summary: Y/N and her friends are in L.A. for a small trip and a random encounter with a "stranger" will make Y/N's trip so much more interesting.

Warnings: just fluff.

Word count: 6395 words.


It was a bright, sunny day in Los Angeles, people walking around the beach, talking, laughing, running, just having a good time and so were Y/N and her friends.

"Why is it so hot?!" Y/N exclaimed as she leaned on a light pole that had a bit of shadow to shield away from the scorching hot sun and fanned herself with her hand.

"Because it's summer idiot."

"We too have summer and it's not this hot jerk."

"I know." Nick, Y/N's best friend chuckled at the harsh response and the small slap on the shoulder Y/N sent his way and patted her a bit dump from sweat shoulder, "I was joking. You forgot how to joke under this hot sun?"

"Oh, ha ha very funny." Y/N rolled her eyes and pushed him a bit more before thanking Stella, who handed her a bottle of fresh water.

"Y/N's right, it's very hot, I'm sweating where I didn't know I could sweat." Marc butted in, sipping on his own bottle of water as he looked around the packed street.

"Thank you!" Y/N gestured in appreciation at his friend and bumped his fist enthusiastically before they got interrupted by Y/N's phone ringing, "oh it's my mom. I'm gonna be right back."

"Okay, we're just gonna sit there to grab something to eat." Kate announced to Y/N and nodded towards a small café not too far from them.

"Alright, you know what I usually order." Y/N nodded before answering the call, hearing her other best friend nod before starting her walk towards the café, yelling a 'coming right up' over her shoulder making Y/N chuckle amusedly, "hello?"


"It'a been too long since we've had one of our sister-brother hangouts."

"Yeah, we've been both busy these past weeks."

"It's nice." Hailee sighed contentedly with her eyes closed behind her sunglasses, her head directed up to the sun to let its rays warm her skin up and to invade her body with a familiar sense of comfort.

"Yeah." Griffin agreed with a bright grin and a small sigh himself as her slid his arm around his sister's shoulders to side hug her softly, "it's been too long since we've took a walk around here."

"Yeah! Remember that time when you tried to impress a girl with your non-existent skateboard skills and fell on the ground right in front of her feet?"

"Ugh, of course you brought up that."

"How could I not? It was hilarious."

"Y'know what? I'm leaving you here. Forget about our brother-sister hangouts." Griffin went to walk away but Hailee stopped him with her hands grasping his left bicep as loud giggles left her lips.

"No, no! I was kidding." Hailee's laugh subsided a little as she flushed her body on Griffin's one, clinging on his arm to prevent him from walking away and leaning her head on his shoulder, "well I wasn't when I was talking about how hilarious it was, but-" Hailee trailed off to pull on Griffin's bicep when he tried to escape her sister's grip again before continuing, "I won't bring it up again, today."

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