Sex Education - Kate Bishop (Part 2) (*)

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You don't even know how sorry I am for disappearing all these months! I got so busy because of college and I had very little time to proofread my stories. I luckily had some little time to write but I never found some time to proofread my works and post them. BUT now I found it and I promise I will try to post more regularly when I can. I almost finished with college, so these months will be a bit crazier but I will do everything I can to post for you guys! I have a few more chapters ready that just need to be proofread so as soon as they are proofread I will post them, I promise!

Anyway, I missed you guys! How are you all?

As always, I want to thank you guys for your patience and your love you showed me everyday. It warmed my heart! ❤️

I am sending you guys so so so much love ❤️.


Summary: we see a few more shenanigans from Y/N and Kate. They got to tell their friends the news and discuss what happened between them.

Warnings: do I really need to say it? SMUT!

Word count: 15000 words.


"Do you want to go first?" Y/N asked with a wide grin after she retrieved Kate's phone from her pocket and crawled back on the mattress on top of her, straddling her thighs and humming loudly when the archer sat up and circled her hips with her arms as she hugged her closer.

"Hm, if you want me to go first then yes. I really want to make you come again." Kate murmured seductively on Y/N's lips before pulling her into a languid, slow kiss, hugging her torso to flush their bodies closer together when Y/N wrapped her own arms around her neck and sighed contentedly into the kiss.

"Not as much as I want to make you come again. Fuck, you looked even more beautiful while you let yourself go onto my fingers." Y/N declared after they pulled away to take some needed breath and started to pepper a trail of sweet, gentle kisses from Kate's left cheek down her defined jaw to nibble the skin there softly and eliciting a small whine from the archer, smiling in satisfaction for pulling from Kate that breathy, heavenly sound.

"I must admit, you are really good. I honestly never had such good sex." Kate admitted shyly after whining gently under her breath again when Y/N scraped her teeth right under her jaw before moving back up onto her lips to peck them sweetly.

"Really?" Y/N asked in disbelief as she widened her eyes comically, butterflies erupting into her stomach at the archer's admission. Her statement set aflame her whole body as the embers already burning into the pit of her stomach blazed wildly. She felt pride swell deep into her chest for something that was not taken for granted, especially when you had had very few relationships and too much meaningless sex where you did not care about what or how the other felt, caring about just your own release, to consider yourself good. Even if they had been driven by lust and desire they made love among sex, they let their bodies do the talk and say something they had yet to confess out loud. So Y/N was proud, proud for being the best sex Kate had ever had. "I-I don't know what to say. I know practice makes perfect but with sex it's not taken for granted. A lot of people lacks in sex skills and I am also a bit self-conscious about my sex skills."

"Oh please, if that was you being self-conscious, I don't know what you being confident about your sex skills looks like!" Kate stated with a shocked tone, her face showing her disbelief at Y/N's admission as she hugged Y/N closer while her hands caressed her naked back tenderly, "you truly are amazing in bed Y/N/N. Trust me, I've had had a lot of sex and one night stands in the past, but none of those girls were good, not as much as you were with me!"

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