Loving Words - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request)

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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE! Sorry for taking so long on answering your requests but college is hard and I had a few ideas that I wanted to write about first. But here we are! Enjoy!

Sending love ❤️


Summary: Hailee and Y/N are dating and even if everyone knows about their relationship, they try to keep it private as much as possible, but these two lovebirds can't stop gushing about each other.

Warnings: none, just pure fluff.

Word count: 1564 words.


"Everybody, make some noise for Y/N Y/L/N!" Jimmy screamed at the audience as the curtain opened and the girl walked out and onto the stage wearing a nice, black dress that was enhancing her lean figure while waving at the clapping audience enthusiastically, then hugging Jimmy tightly and let him lead her on the chair she was going to occupy, right beside his desk.

"It's always good coming here!" Y/N spoke up after the crowd calmed down and grinned at Jimmy brightly.

"It's a pleasure to have you here! It's been so long!"

"Oh yes! I've been so busy promoting my new movie! This last couple of months were pretty hectic to say the least." Y/N grimaced comically before letting a shiny smile take over her features.

"Yeah! You just got back from London to promote your upcoming movie on the European press tour! How was that?"

Jimmy asked her a few questions about her new movie, about her crazy schedule, some upcoming project and finally her time on set. "I once got in trouble because I completely overslept and missed the morning shooting but since I'm the main character, they couldn't fire me-" Y/N quipped in a 'duh' tone and winked towards the host, who chuckled at her joke alongside the audience while clapping his hands amused, "but yeah I felt so so bad that from that day on I showed up 10 minutes earlier."

"Did your co-stars made fun of you for oversleeping?" Jimmy smirked knowingly, Y/N knowing really well the host was dying to ask a question about her cast members, one in particular, and played dumb with a small, sly smile on her lips.

"Of course! It was the inside joke of the entire cast and the entire crew!"

"I saw Hailee's Instagram story months ago where she pranked you with 10 alarm clocks ringing while you were sleeping." Jimmy was having troubles in finishing her sentence due to his giggles getting louder, a clip of that said story playing for the audience to see, laughing harder pointing at the screen.

Y/N rolled her eyes fondly at that memory and smiled in fake annoyance at her girlfriend's prank, "she got me good that day. I was so lost when I woke up to the sound of 10 alarm clocks ringing 3 hours before my make up call. Here-" She pointed at the screen, grinning brightly as she tried to talk while giggling softly, "you can see the confusion, the- the disorientation before my eyes focused on her laughing her ass off." She laughed loudly before rolling her eyes and shaking her head in fond exasperation, "I wanted to get her back or at least stay mad at her, but that cute face got her away." Y/N pointed out to the screen showing a photo of them smiling on set on that same day.

"How was working with her?"

"Amazing. She is a great inspiration. Watching her act so effortlessly is mind-blowing. She always gives her all into a scene and it's really inspiring." She smiled brightly, "and she is so nice, everyone on the crew was always in a better mood when she was around. We got along pretty well and pretty quickly and I'm so glad of that. I don't even want to think about enduring all those hard working months without her by my side." 

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