Personal Trainer AU (Part 4) - Hailee Steinfeld

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Summary: Hailee and Y/N go in a club. Things are going great until a little green monster makes an appearance.

Warnings: none.

Word count: 3871 words.


"Don't pout at me! C'mon! You can do it."

Hailee pushed on after Y/N's encouraging words and did her last round of 10 squats before collapsing on the floor with a pained but satisfied groan, grateful that Y/N always pushed her beyond her limits to achieve new goals. "What do I have to do to make you stop torturing me every time we workout?"

"It's been almost two months and I noticed that the drama queen in you only makes her appearances after our gym sessions." Y/N snickered and walked towards the brunette sprawled in a mess of limbs on the mat on the floor, opening the bottle that was in her right hand and pouring water on the singer's face, who was laying with her eyes closed to try to relax her aching muscles. Hailee screeched loudly when she felt some cold liquid meet her warm face, shaking her head side to side and using her hand to dry up her face, looking up at a guilty looking Y/N, who was definitely pretending being sorry, "ops?" Y/N shrugged and tapped the water bottle, her smile fighting to crumble her pouty face.

"Y/N." Hailee growled darkly with an annoyed look in her eyes, moving quickly and with a swift motion of her legs she swept Y/N off her feet and made her fall on the mat with a loud thud, the black haired girl looking up at her astonished. Hailee acted fast, taking advantage of the blue eyed girl's disoriented state, and put Y/N's lessons into practice, forcing her friend's arms to lie along her body and locking them under her legs while straddling her torso, preventing the girl from escaping her grip, before grabbing her water bottle and emptying it on Y/N's face and torso, not caring about some splashes soaking her own pants and shirt in the process.

"Hailee! Stop! Stop! I got the point! I'm sorry!" Y/N pleaded while uselessly trying to protect herself from the singer's attack.

Hailee stopped when the bottle was completely emptied, throwing it behind her shoulders, the bottle landing somewhere on the floor, "a-ha! now we're even!" Hailee looked down at Y/N satisfied and only then she realized the slightly compromising position they were in, stopping her mind from going places while her eyes raked up and down the blue eyed girl's doused state and bit her lip softly, her brown hues fixing in the now wet top Y/N was sporting, a glimpse of her abs showing under the transparent garment. Busy studying every inch of Y/N, trapping herself in a dazed state, Hailee let her thighs loosen their hard grip on Y/N's arms and hands. The singer's slip up let the black haired beauty free her arms, using her left hand to caress mindlessly Hailee's knee.

"You got your clothes wet too!"

"It was worth it." Hailee smirked, her smug attitude showing off, "I got my revenge and I succeeded in knocking you down."

"Even if I'm completely drenched for this achievement, I'm proud of you. Good job!" Y/N praised tapping her knee softly, a joyful look shining brightly in her blue eyes, the light coming in from the window illuminating those blue hues in an intoxicating way, making them look like they were two sapphires.

"Thank you!" She told her with her tongue trapped between her teeth in a sweet smile and battling her eyelashes. The two stared intensely at one another for a minute, not saying anything else in that moment. Hailee didn't know if it was for the fact that it's been a week since she admitted her feelings for Y/N, a week of them joking around - sometimes slightly flirting - with each other, or for the fact that her workouts were showing off the first results, getting slightly ripped and noticing her muscles starting to get more defined, gaining in the meantime more self-esteem each day to be bolder with her friend and to not completely embarrass herself, or for the fact that it was becoming really difficult for her to not spill her feelings for Y/N at any given time, but she didn't know what overcame her, not really controlling the bold and cheeky words that rolled over her tongue and out of her mouth in that moment, "even tho I must admit... when I pictured you under me all wet, it wasn't because of a water bottle..." But the blush that appeared on Y/N's cheeks and the face that the blue eyed girl made when her words hit the personal trainer's ears were so worth it she wasn't even slightly embarrassed for being so straight-forward.

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