Jealousy - Kate Bishop (*)

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A/N: HELLO HELLO HELLO! How are you guys? I hope you're having a good day/afternoon/night!

Here's a bit longer chapter to make up my absence these weeks! ❤️

As always let me know what you think! 🤓❤️

Sending so so much love ❤️


Summary: Y/N and Kate are on a mission, but the archer is not so fond of a particular part of their plan. Her jealousy leads them to confess their feelings and smut ensues.

Warnings: smut.

Word count: 15103 words.


Y/N was in the middle of drinking some needed water after her intense workout when a body suddenly crushed onto her back, making her stumble a little and spilling water on herself. "Oh c'mon!"

"Hello to you too Y/N/N. I missed you too." The black haired girl giggled softly as she got back on her feet after disentangling her legs she previously circled around the Y/H/C girl's waist to prevent herself to fall on the ground and watched as Y/N hastily tried to dry her sport bra and stomach from the water that spilled out of her bottle of water when she crashed into her body.

"Kamala I love you, but next time warn me."

"It wouldn't be a surprise then Y/N." A deep Russian accent reached her ears and the two girls turned around to watch Yelena enter the gym, followed by America and Kate.

"I hate surprises." Y/N sighed out as she gave up in trying to dry up her sport bra and threw her towel on the bench beside her.

"We know." Kamala, Yelena, Kate and America spoke up at the same time with sly smirks on their faces before throwing themselves at Y/N and hugging her tightly.

"Hm, I missed you girls so much this past few weeks."

"How was the mission?" Kamala asked excitedly after they pulled away from the hug, the four of them starting their journey towards Y/N's room where they will spend their weekly Thursday night with pizza and games.

"Boring for the most part. But let me tell you Leo taught me how to control electronic things with just a phone. It was hilarious watching Jemma and Daisy go crazy with the coffee machine and the oven."


"Miss Y/L/N, Coulson requested your presence in the conference room in 10 minutes."

"Okay, I'll be there. Thank you Friday." Y/N answered as she finished typing away a few things on her laptop, before the IA spoke again.

"He also requested Miss Bishop's presence."

Kate looked up from the TV and stopped her game to stare up at the ceiling like she actually could spot the bodiless voice, "mine too?"

"Correct Miss Bishop. Miss Khan, Miss Belova and Miss Chavez are already there."

The two best friends stared at one another in confusion before shrugging their shoulders and sitting up, closing their devices and walking out of Y/N's room towards the elevator. "What do you think this is about?"

"I don't know, maybe some team briefing? Coulson likes to show us things on the new sophisticated board Fitz built for him." Y/N chuckled at her own response alongside the blue eyed girl, who nodded in agreement.

"Ah girls, you're here. Let's start." Coulson tapped on the board in front of him and a few secretive files of a drug and illegal weapons dealer appeared on the screen, alongside with an art collector and a fugitive criminal, "Y/N I know you got back from your mission in Florence just a week ago, but we finally have a lead on this case Daisy is working on for months now."

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