Coast - Hailee Steinfeld (*)

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Have you seen Coast MV? No? What are you going then?! Go on YouTube and watch it!

Since the music video is out, I couldn't not write something about it, could I? The visuals, the outfits, everything was just perfect!

I don't know anything about music videos and how cameos are casted in, so let's pretend it works just like I wrote it lol

Without further ado, enjoy this smutty oneshot!

Sending so so much love to everyone out there ❤️


Summary: Hailee is in the middle of shooting the first scene of Coast music video, when an interruption stops her. This interruption leads her to meet someone that will quick become important in her life.

Warnings: smut. Fluffy smut.

Word count: 16117 words.


The sound of the water hitting the shore calmed Hailee's nerves as she let it wrap around herself comfortably with her eyes closed and taking big, calming breaths. "Hailee, you ready?"

The blonde smiled brightly at Anderson's voice calling her and turned around slowly, "yeah."

"Great! Let's roll!"

Hailee took another deep breath before starting her routine they settled for the start of Coast music video. "Is this thing on?" Hailee laughed when Anderson snickered from his director chair and shook his head gently.

"Can we take another shot?" The man now sporting a blonde wig asked hopefully at the singer, who nodded eagerly at his question, "great! I want to capture your side profile before focusing on a close up of your face as you listen to the music, Coast of course."

"Perfect!" Hailee felt excitement took over every single cell of her body as she retook a few shots of the beginning of their video, still not believing their are bringing into life Coast music video. Her thoughts as she stared into space while the camera panned in on her got interrupted when a small Beagle hit the side of her calf bent over in front of her body and started licking her skin enthusiastically as his small tail wagged at the singer, "oh hello there! Who are you?"

Hailee smiled brightly at the unexpected but totally welcomed intrusion and started caressing the dog's ears gently, "Milo no! Come here. Oh fuck. Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Hailee looked up from the cute dog and watched as a Y/H/C girl came rushing from the direction the dog came, looking winded out with her hair a bit messy from the wind, "Milo if I get arrested I'm blaming you, c'mere!" The Y/H/C girl murmured loud enough for Hailee to hear her through gritted teeth as she looked apologetically around.

"Oh Milo, it seems you are in so much trouble!" Hailee whispered at the dog, but loudly enough to let the girl also hear her as she was now standing in front of her. "Hi."

"Hey, I'm so so sorry! I saw the signs and I was going to walk away from this part of the beach but someone escaped from his collar and run away."

"Don't worry, he is so cute! Aren't you?" The dog barked enthusiastically as he climbed onto Hailee's lap and sat down to make her keep her caresses going, making her giggle cutely down at him. "Hey Paak, is it okay if we take five?"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry." Anderson waved her off with a smile and turned around towards their stylist, talking about something she couldn't make out.

"It won't be necessary. We're leaving you to your music video. Congratulations by the way." The still unknown girl smiled warmly down at Hailee before crouching down to retrieve her dog from Hailee's lap. "Okay buddy, time to say bye."

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