Sounds - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request) (*)

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Summary: after Y/N comes home after months of shooting in Europe, her best friend Hailee shows up at her house to spend some time together. When they are cuddling on the couch, a particular movement Hailee does in Y/N's hair triggers a sound that leads them to reveal their long nestled feelings.

Warnings: smut, fluffy smut.

Word count: 5595 words.


Y/N sighed happily as soon as she entered in her apartment, coming home after months of shooting in Europe for a new movie she had been working on. She left her keys in the bowl on the little table on her left and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it. "Home sweet home." Y/N breathed out gleefully as she walked in further into the living room, pushing her suitcases on the wooden floor before carrying them up the stairs with just a little bit of effort and placing them on her bedroom floor. She decided to take a well needed shower after she spent so many hours on a plane, then right after that she would take care of unpacking her bags. She was in the middle of pulling her t-shirt off of her when her phone started ringing, causing the girl to roll her eyes in annoyance at the device disturbing her relaxing process. "Hello?"

"Y/N/N!! Hi!" The melodious voice yelling from the other side of the line instantly flooded Y/N with roaring happiness as a big, bright smile rolled over her previous scrunched up features in irritation and her stomach freed wild butterflies that run madly around it.

"Hailee! Oh my god hi! How are you?"

"Good! Oh how I missed your voice!"

Y/N chuckled amusedly at Hailee's whine and she could just picture the girl pout that cute and adorable irresistible pout of hers. "You dork, we FaceTimed last night!" Y/N heard the singer sigh dramatically and her smile broadened. She really missed her best friend.

"I know! It's been too long!" Hailee countered back sharply before chuckling airily at their interaction. "Anyway, I called to know if you got home safely and if you had a nice flight."

Hailee's thoughtfulness made Y/N tear up as her chest filled up with love and her heart swelled 10 sizes, "I just got home actually. It was a good flight, long but nice. I was getting ready to hop into the shower before you called."

"Oh great! Well, go settle down. How about a pizza and a movie?"

"You know me so well Haiz. I can't wait to see you. I missed you so much." Y/N sighed loudly as she dropped herself unceremoniously on the bed and let the comfy mattress relax her tense muscles.

"I missed you too Y/N/N. I can be there in a couple of hours."

"You can stay the night. I missed our sleepovers." Y/N offered and rolled her eyes at her stupid stomach for doing somersaults at the mere thought of letting Hailee sleep here with her, something that they always do.

"Well duh, I thought it was already established! I spent too much time away from you, so I need you all to myself for as much as I want!" Hailee declared in determination, reveling in the loud giggles coming from her best friend and grinning triumphantly for making the girl laugh with her words, even if she meant every single one of them.

"So bossy Haiz. See you in a few hours."

"See you soon, Y/N/N!"


Freshly showered and now sporting a pair of red shorts and a black, worn out tee, Y/N started unpacking and tidying up the mess she made after she sorted out her laundry. Y/N was in the middle of piling up her clothes to put back into the closet, when a body collided with her back and made her fall face first on the mattress, with the other person falling right on top of her. "OH MY GOD HI!" Hailee's voice resonated loudly into her left ear, but Y/N couldn't care less when excitement filled every cell of her body for finally reuniting with her best friend.

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