The World's Greatest Archer (Part 4) - Kate Bishop

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How are you guys?!

Anyway, I know last chapter was pretty intense and so full of words, but I hope you enjoyed it!

Here is part 4 of The World's Greatest Archer!

Enjoy ❤️.

Sending so much love to each one of you to wherever you are ❤️.


Summary: Y/N and Kate have dinner with Eleanor and Jack. Then Y/N has to save Kate's and Clint's ass from the tracksuits.

Warnings: none.

Word count: 8736 words.


"Y/N drop it. I'm not gonna show my Hawkeye gadgets collection to you."

"Oh c'mon! I need anything I can gather to mock him!" Y/N pressed after they exited the subway, patting the archer's arm pleadingly.

"No, because I know what you're trying to do."

"Enlighten me then. What am I trying to do?" Y/N smirked mischievously as Kate rolled her eyes and pushed on the girl's shoulder softly, making her falter a bit in her steps.

"You want to come into my room to see your poster." Kate started with an accusatory tone, a small lilt of fond exasperation also clear in her voice, as she stared Y/N down and watched as she put a clearly fake innocent face on with a big, bright smile adorning her beautiful features. They fell back into step, walking side by side, their arms brushing softly from time to time, and both shivered when the slightest of touches of their hands between their bodies triggered hard goosebumps down their spines and made electricity invade every cell of their bodies deliciously, also warming them up just a bit from the cold of the night as snow fell down the streets, in front of them, on their heads and settling on their hair softly, wrapping the city in a wonderfully, fairy white blanket. They thanked the cold so they could cover their blushes up on their cheeks and pretend it was due to the cold wind hitting their skin, when in fact it was their gay panic transforming them in blushing, flushing messes as they couldn't even function properly with just a small brush of a hand on their own, "I'm not gonna show it to you. It's embarrassing now that I actually know you."

"I don't think it's embarrassing Kate! Me falling on my ass right in front of my date during my first date ever is embarrassing. My mom talking freely about her sex life with me to mess up with me is extremely embarrassing. Walking in on Hulk after taking a bath and seeing him naked is embarrassing, especially when you had to fight alongside him. I can keep listing all the things that are embarrassing but you having a giant poster of me in you room is not embarrassing. It's everything but embarrassing. It's cute, adorable, pretty badass."

"Did you really see the Hulk naked?" Kate asked with wide eyes and shivered alongside Y/N after she nodded at her in affirmation, "okay, you made some pretty solid points, but it's still embarrassing to me. Besides, we would be really lucky if my mom will let us go to the bathroom, let alone let us chill in my bedroom. She will be in her investigator, protective mom mood tonight."

"It's understandable. She wants to know you're safe. I will assure her that as long as you are with me, you will be safe." Y/N stated resolutely as she met Kate's eyes and smiled at her, the young archer reciprocating it right after and bumped their shoulders together in appreciation.

"Okay, remember, do not meet her eyes when she scrutinizes you, she will read your mind and discover all your secrets in a second." Kate stated seriously after they entered her mom's building and waited patiently for the elevator to arrive.

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