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[ family au ]
[ brett x eddy ]
[ aaron is brett and eddy's son ]

Brett was bombarded with assignments and projects from school, and not to mention, his practice session he planned for himself. It was a lot of work to get done.

Worst of all, his eye bags are getting larger and larger, and he looked more haggard than ever. Obviously, he lacked sleep, but Brett did not regard it as a problem. He had been maintaing in a still position for two consecutive days with a deadpan face, lack of sleep and lack of rest. The state of Brett right now is terrible.

"...and, done." said Brett finally. His 4000 word essay was finally done, and he led out a big sigh of relief. The work that he had been doing for days was finally finished.

"Right, I still have practice." mumbled Brett, as he scooted towards the corner of his room, where his violin is placed.

His eyes are barely open the moment he reached the violin and his eyes went open and close the moment he was playing it, making lots of errors. "Gah!" he yelled out in frustration and continued again. But the more he played, the worse he gets.

He's obviously tired and all he needs is some sleep. But he can't.

"Thank you Papa for bringing me to the playground." beamed Aaron with a cheerful smile, with his eyes sparkling with happiness.

Eddy's heart melted right the instant when Aaron smiled.

"No problem. Thank YOU, for making me smile after a cruddy day." said Eddy.

"When Papa is happy, then Aaron is also happy." said Aaron. "But it would be even more fun if Daddy is here with us too."

"He will certainly join us next time." said Eddy, stroking his head gently. "But Daddy hasn't finished his work today so he could not join us today."

"Oh." said Aaron as he pouted.

"Why don't you go and take a shower?" said Eddy. "Both of us are pretty smelly now."

"Okie dokie! Or else, Ling Ling would be angy."

When Eddy opened the door of Brett's room, a sleepy and frustrated Brett is revealed.

"Dude, you need rest." said Eddy. "You're not fine and you have been going sleepless for two days already-"

"No, Eddy. I still have lots to catch up. I finished my essay, but I haven't even proofread it. I still have this piece to perfect, but I kept making mistakes. Not to mention, I promised Hilary to fix something, and I haven't even done so-"

Eddy grabbed the violin away from his hands and placed them into the case.

"Dude, wh-"

"Hush, all you need is rest. Work can wait for a while. You're overpressuring yourself and look how bad you look right now."

Without a word, Eddy brought Brett close to his side and had Brett lay his head on Eddy's shoulder. Brett, initially hesitant, eventually succumbs to sleep and his breathing becomes steady.

Eddy smiled to himself. You're always resistant on how you're not cute due to your deadpan face. But look at you, so cute.

Eddy removed Brett's glasses and brought him to bed, having him properly propped up. He then tucked him in, and admired his sleeping face for a while. Gosh, he look so perfect, so peaceful, just like a lake at dawn. Its definitely worth to stare at him all day.

He then left a kiss on Brett's forehead, before proceeding in taking over Brett's supposed role as Aaron "Daddy". But he did not even have to because Aaron already came into Brett's room before Eddy could even come out.

"Daddy! Daddy! I made a flute out of a carrot today-"

"Shhhh!!! Daddy's sleeping!" said Eddy, while trying to shoo the child out from the room.

"Awwww?" pouted Aaron. "When will he wake up then?"

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure Daddy will like it. You can show him when he wakes up. Also, Daddy was working hard for the past few days and he hadn't been sleeping well."

The child smiled at Eddy, while slowly walking over to his sleeping father, who is snoring softly right now.

"Daddy, I know you had been working hard so, sleep well~" he said, while patting his head. "May Ling Ling bless you with sweet dreams so that you could dream of me, you and Papa together in Unicorn Island."

Eddy's stomach did a double somersault the moment he heard this. Unicorn Island with Brett and Aaron sounded like a good idea too. He had to admit, that he is pretty proud by the fact that his child has a vivid imagination. His eyes further widened when he realised that Aaron was also singing out Brahm's lullaby to Brett as well.

I mean, no one taught him that! Where did he learn all these from? wondered Eddy.

"Okie dokie, Papa, can you play with me now?" asked Aaron.

"Sure, but there's one rule. A golden rule, just for today. We have to play like quiet old grandaddies so that we won't wake Daddy alright? Papa wants to give him as much sleep as possible so that he could sleep well." said Eddy.

Aaron's face broke into a smile again as he nodded happily with an adorable smile, causing Eddy to do the same, but this time with his adorable bunny teeth as well as his puppy eyes.

"Papa, you look like a bunny!" exclaimed Aaron.

"Shhhh!! Quiet old grandaddies, remember?" shushed Eddy.

"Oh right, sorry oops!" But Aaron was up to some mischief. He wanted to play a trick on Brett.

He saw a marker lying around Brett's desk and he opened it. Then he walked closer to Brett's face and he started his business.

"Aaron! What are you doing-" yelped Eddy. "Holy shit! No!"

"Holy shit?" asked Aaron as Eddy mentally cursed at himself for cussing in front of his three year old child.

"Forget it, just don't say it ever more." said Eddy. "But why are you drawing Daddy's face?"

"Papa, you said we're quiet old grandaddies so this is the only game I could think of." said Hayden. "And I want to play with Daddy."

"Aaron, no. Your dad is asleep-" but he stopped midsentence. Brett was already in deep sleep to even know what was happening and his face is in great danger from being further damaged.

"Never mind Aaron you know what? I'll do it with you." said Eddy as his smiled mischeviously and doodle on Brett's face.

The Next Day

"EDDY! DID YOU DO THIS?" asked Brett.

"No?" said Eddy.

"Sorry Daddy," said Aaron sheepishly. "But Daddy, you look handsome!"

"Aaron, you'll have some nice kung pao chicken today. Wait for it." said Brett with an angry face as Aaron ran away from him, with Eddy giggling next to him, watching the scene unfold.

"Papa also did the drawing!" said Aaron as Brett dropped his jaw in shock with Eddy widening his eyes, hardly believing that his son had just exposed him.

"Fugue you, Eddy! I knew you're involved in this!" yelled Brett in frustration as he chased after his son and his husband.

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