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[ eddy x brett ]
[ context: brett and eddy got into a fight and their children are trying to have them make up with each other. ]

"Oh gosh, can you just simply stop flexing your perfect pitch? It seriously annoys the hell out of me!" yelled Brett. "Why are you so picky over details? Can't we just finish it in one go?"

"Brett, when have you become this sluggish during practising? That's not what you usually do!" said Eddy. "And what does my flex on perfect pitch has to deal with you?"

"Seriously Eddy? You're so annoying. I'm really getting sick of you flexing your perfect pitch all the time! All! The! Time!" said Brett.

"But that's myself!" shouted back Eddy. "If you can't accept me for who I am then what is this relationship for? If you can't accept me for who I am, then what is the point on us staying together?"

Brett and Eddy are used to be that typical lovey-dovey couple, but for some reason, the two of them broke into a quarrel. It was about Eddy bossing over Brett's wrong notes, and his occasional flex on his perfect pitch during practice sessions. Perhaps Brett himself is not in a good mood today, so he was easily triggered by Eddy's annoying antics. So, they got into the biggest fight ever...

"You know what, I'm leaving. I need some fresh air and some time to calm down." said Brett as he stormed out of the practice room.

"Sure! As if I actually need your accompaniment! Practising alone is so much better anyways!" shouted Eddy as he stood in his original place, still angry on why Brett was being so fed-up with him and why he was unable to accept him the way he is.

"Daddy stop!" said a shrill voice behind him. Eddy turned around, revealing his four-year-old son standing there. "Why are you shouting at Papa?"

Eddy inhaled deeply, thinking of a reason to explain to his child.

"Daddy's feeling a bit off lately, so maybe I'll go and take a nap first so that I would feel better later." said Eddy.

Aaron shook his head in disapproval and said, "Daddy, you're a meanie for shouting at Papa. Because Papa is the sweetest and coolest Papa I could ever ask for. And he is also your husband so you should not shout at him. He's sad and he's cwying right now."

Eddy's face toughened like stone while he aww-ed internally at what Aaron had said. This kid might just be four, but however, he is smart and knowledgable when it comes to mediating conflicts between his Daddy and Papa.

"But Papa did something wrong, too." said Eddy. "He shouted at me first."

Aaron then walked away from Eddy. "Where are you going?"

In a few seconds Brett was pulled out by Aaron, and now Brett and Eddy are now facing each other again. Aaron is standing in between them, like a priest in a wedding ceremony.

"Daddy, you're wrong for shouting at Papa and making Papa cry." said Aaron. Eddy looked closely onto Brett. He is not faking. Brett indeed did cry after their conflict. His heart sank. He knew it is going to take forever for him to forgive him. "So what should you say?"

"Sorry, Brett." said Eddy. Deep down, Eddy was trying hard not to uwu at how cute and sweet his son is in trying to bring them back together and resolve their conflict. But whether or not Brett wants to forgive him, it's another matter to consider.

Aaron nodded and smiled. "Good. And Papa? Daddy also said you're wrong and you also shouted at him. What should you say to Daddy?"

Brett gulped. No way is he going to apologise since he did nothing wrong. However, he knew he had to do this for the baby. So he switched on his unamused deadpan face and reluctantly said a "Sorry".

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