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[ couple au ] 

[ brett x reader ]

[ context: you were taken back to brett as you died in your sleep one night. ]

a/n: okey this oneshot is an impromptu one! i got this inspiration from titanic lmaos but anyway, i did some modifications and i'm fast forwarding to the ending scene of the movie because for some reason, that scene captivates me the most, even if it's the resolution of the story. but anyways, enjoy! 


"I love you Brett..." you said, mumbling under the cold and chilly waters. Albeit you're already on a piece of wooden board, and you weren't full on contact with the freezing waters like Brett, you were still freezing cold. 

Brett looked right up to you, but he was not smiling. Instead, his expression was grim and serious. You had never seen him as serious as that before. 

"Don't you dare say that!" said Brett, trembling under the cold. "Don't you dare say your goodbyes! Not yet! Do you understand me?" 

You were taken aback by his grim tone. But then you were too cold to even ask what's wrong. There was nothing you could do, except to mumble about how cold it was. 

"I'm so cold..." 

Brett tightened the grip in your hand and looked at you with an even firmer tone. His eyes were determined, and focused, as if he was trying to deliver you with his final words. 

"Listen, (Y/N), you're gonna get outta here, you're gonna go on and you're gonna make lots of babies and you're gonna watch 'em grow. You're gonna die an old.. an old lady warm in her bed, not here. Not this night. Not like this, do you understand me?" asked Brett as he looked at you with firm eyes. 

If this was what Brett truly wanted from you, you could only force yourself to nod. 

"I'm thankful to this day my friend Ray gave me his tickets because he couldn't go as it w...was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Because it brought me to you and I'm thankful for that..." 

You led out a sob and he got closer to the point where your foreheads were touching. 

"Please do me this honour (Y/N)." said Brett as he shivered. You couldn't help but to notice that he was colder than before. "Promise m-me that you would survive, and never give up. No matter- how hard... it gets... or h-how hopeless it gets...Promise me now Y/N!"

It sounded a lot like a demand, and you could not deny it. 

"And never let go of that promise." 


Life without Brett as well as the loss of your friends you made in the ship made you really sad and hurt. It indeed took you a great amount of time to get over the loss. You felt empty and purposeless, and you had tried to attempt suicide several times. But you always remembered your promise you made with Brett before he died, and you couldn't bring yourself to break the promise made between Brett and you. It is just an act of betrayal.

He died for me, and I should live for him. I couldn't bring myself to break the promise because I love him so much. 

And so, after settling in a whole new place where you could finally start over, you picked up on music as well as studying it, partly because of Brett's influence to you. Eventually, you met awesome friends, and met a man one day who became your husband, and gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins. 

As for your career, you became a violinist. You played in orchestras and concerts, and gained standing ovations from each of your performances. Had Brett survived and had the ship not sunk, he would have been performing with you right now, or just simply watching you perform from the boxes in the hall. Perhaps, with Eddy, and your best friend, Sophie too. 

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