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[ friends au ]
[ eddy x brett ]
[ special guests from nct! ]

Lifeisjustmeh hope you like this hehe and soulsterax thanks so much for your encouragement on having me do a cross fandom oneshot ;-;

and also my best friend @tae_withkookie for supporting me in writing this cracky oneshot

[ context: brett wrote a note to eddy under the encouragement of his neighbour and something brett never expected to happen happened. ]

Eddy is a student greatly favoured by lots of kids at his school. Not only does he excel in playing the violin, but he also excelled in his studies too. There are a lot of people, especially girls chasing after him and crushing on him. However, he is someone quite aloof, and no one seems to dare get close with him, albeit there are some fangirls shamelessly chasing after him. Meanwhile, Brett is also a violinist at school, where he plays with Eddy in the school orchestra. But they didn't have any chance to chat with each other because Eddy was giving him the cold shoulder and Brett was too scared to talk to him due to his mysterious aura.

"Oh dude," said a voice next to Brett when he was gazing at the back of Eddy. "Gazing at Eddy again? Give up, he literally talks to no one, except the teachers. You know, the cool kids always have all the buttons up."

Brett turned around to see a cute, fair looking guy looking at him staring at Eddy. He is not too tall nor short, and he has dark hair dyed with electric green highlights. More importantly, he has moon-shaped eyebrows that makes his features look a lot like a seagull and a cute little fair smile, making him look like a baby cheetah.

"And you are?" asked Brett as he gazed at his neighbour.

"Oh, my name is Mark, and you can mark me in your heart," said Brett's neighbour as he was trying his best to hold his laughter. "And you know, I mean, he is a really good violinist! But it sucks that he talks to no one. He would be a really cool friend, you know?"

"Nice to meet you Mark," said Brett, shaking his hand. "I'm Brett."

"Yeah, we all know you are Brett." said Mark. "I guess you're kinda famous...? I don't know why though. Perhaps you two are the only first violinists in the entire school orchestra?"

That doesn't sound good, thought Brett. Where the hell did people know all about this? Although so, why does it matter to them? It's not like they're going to date him whatsoever!

"Really? I never knew that hahaha..." said Brett. "But anyways, do you play any instruments?"

"Hmm it's been a while since I played an instrument. Ah yes, I used to play the flute and I haven't touched the flute in a WHILE." said Mark with huge enthusiasm in his face. "I was in a band and we used to go on tours-"

"Alright class! Please get back to your seats!" said Mrs. Parker, their homeroom teacher. "Because, since this is Thanksgiving season, I'd like you all to play a game, which is to write a little note to someone who has a special place in your heart. That person could be your friends, your family member, your pet and anyone you like!"

Mrs. Parker proceeded to hand out post-its to everyone in class. When Brett received his post-it note, he had no idea who he should write to. To his parents? Nah, that would be a bit too cliche. To his friends? Nah, he didn't even have that much close friends in class. What his teachers? Nah, because he felt that teachers in this school are quite nit-picky and he honestly couldn't find any teacher he could write to.

Why am I even involved in this shit, he thought.

But suddenly, a very dangerous thought surpassed his mind, that made him did the final decision. Brett decided to seize this very opportunity and write the appreciation note for Eddy, although he didn't have much impact to him. But at the same time, he believed that Eddy is his inspiration on why he studied more than usual and practiced even harder.

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